Follow TeamWON’s writers through their columns.
She Shoots 2: Michelle Cerino interviews Kay and Lena Miculek about 3-Gun competition advice, dream vacations and favorite guns.
Vera Koo shares her tips on how to prepare for a shooting competition.
The Writing Huntress answers a question from Duck, Duck, Goose in Devils Lake, and offers 7 waterfowling tips for beginners.
Mia & the Little Gal: Mia Anstine shares her tried and true tips for mule deer hunting.
Camo Mom: Tammy Ballew shares an interview with “Addicted to the Outdoors” co-host Gina Brunson.
She Shoots 2: Michelle Cerino shares tips for coyote hunting and the story of her fist hunt.
The Edge: Christine Cunningham shares how yoga can be beneficial for duck hunters.
See what happened when TeamWON went to Bentonville, Ark., to smoke some squirrels for a competition.
Writing Huntress shares her tips on how to defend your hunting heritage from those who don’t understand the reasons why you hunt.
Marti Davis Afield: Marti gives her tips for squirrel hunting and shares details about the upcoming World Championship Squirrel Cook-Off.
Mia & the Little Gal: Mia Anstine shares her tried and true ways to get in shape for spot-and-stalk hunting.
She Shoots 2: Michelle Cerino shares 5 ways to store firearms safely in your home.
Educate. Equip. Empower. Find out more about The Well Armed Woman’s founder, Carrie Lightfoot, and her mission.
Julie Golob interviews news editor and New York Times best selling author Katie Pavlich about her new book, her enjoyment of the outdoors and how to maintain femininity in a male-dominated industry.
The Writing Huntress shares her tips for etiquette before, during and after guided hunts.
The Rogers Report: Randi Rogers shares her tips on how to load a shotgun during 3-Gun competition.
She Shoots 2: Michelle Cerino reviews the Leatherman cam, pump and rail PocketTools. She likes!
Mia & the Little Gal: Mia Anstine shares 7 alternatives to paper targets, for use on the shooting range.
Camo Mom, aka Tammy Ballew, interviews Morgan and Mason Baseley of “2girlshunting.”
The Edge: Christine Cunningham shares what you need to know before making the switch among hunting dog breeds.
Michelle Whitney Bodenheimer shares her review of the ScopeSlicker and SpudzPro after a recent South African safari.
Marti Davis Afield: Marti shares tips for choosing the right trail camera, and how to enhance your hunting techniques by using the pictures.
The Writing Huntress answers Relocating for Hunting in Henderson’s question about how to move your hunting gear, and gives her tips for how to keep your sanity when switching hunting states.
Our new fishing columnist, Anietra Hamper, shares her story of pike fishing in Ireland. Welcome, Anietra!
Mia & the Little Gal: Mia Anstine shares 10 “must haves” to include in your kiddo’s range bag.
The Edge: Christine Cunningham shares an interview with Becky Schwanke, who launched Tuff Kids Outdoors last March.
She Shoots 2: Michelle Cerino shares why she loves the Vertx A-Range Bag, and why you might, too!
Learn what happens when 16 gun writers meet in Virginia to test guns and drive getaway cars.
The Edge: Christine Cunningham shares the parallel between her life and the painting “Shoes for Tuff Girls.”
Mia & the Little Gal: Mia Anstine shares the basics of shotgun sports and shooting at clay targets.
Camo Mom interviews the women of