Follow TeamWON’s writers through their columns.
Do you break out in a cold sweat when you think of pairing your rifle with a scope? Take a few minutes. Class is in session, and Marti Davis tells you how to choose the right scope for the right gun. Sponsored by Crossbreed Holsters.
What? They’re all about road hunting in this Retro WON column? Check out Mia & the Little Gal’s fun version, which does not involve guns at all. Sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing.
She’s got a different idea for “wrapping it up with a bow” than most people do. We think you’ll find this holiday gift guide perfect for that outdoorsy woman!
In this installment of The Edge, find out why Christine Cunningham prefers Merino wool. The Edge is sponsored by EvoOutdoors.
Vera Koo explains how an ancient Chinese ideology pertains to shooting and Puccini.
Find out what Mia thinks about the Endurance 3 scope on her rifle. Mia & the Little Gal is sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing.
Find out what motivated this energetic new 3-gun shooter, who planned and directed a national 3-gun event for women. She Shoots 2 is sponsored by Vertx.
Find out 5 things you must do if you plan on taking advantage of muzzleloading season in your neck of the woods this year. Marti Davis Afield is sponsored by Crossbreed Holsters.
She does more than shoot guns! Find out more about our Michelle Cerino in Carrie Z’s cool podcast.
Our Little Gal went a huntin’ with her bow and brought home delicious antelope that she and her mom, Mia, wrapped in tasty burritos. Sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing. Featured video, too!
She Shoots 2: Michelle Cerino describes 5 popular types of hearing protection devices and when to wear them. Sponsored by Vertx.
For her latest Her Gear column, Michelle Bodenheimer takes us hunting with Beretta’s waterfowl shotgun.
Find out why Lisa Glassburn created the online jewelry business that caters to women who love the outdoors.
LG, Mia and Nan give step-by-step instructions on building bird feeders that are fun to construct and easy to make.
The Edge: Want to hunt Alaska? Christine Cunningham shares why everyone should have an Alaskan bucket list.
Julie Golob covers the women of the IPSC World Shoot, from behind the scenes.
Read about the day Babbs spent on the range with some very “special” women.
Find out why Babbs’ daughter-in-law chose the Tikka T3 Lite as her rifle of choice on her first successful deer hunt!
Marti Davis Afield: What’s your favorite rifle to use when deer hunting? Marti shares her go-to calibers.
Michelle Cerino shares the common causes of semi-auto handgun malfunctions and how to quickly get your firearm back in working order.
Wanna know how to make a paracord lanyard for your duck calls? Ask Writing Huntress shares how, in this crafty how-to column.
Vera Koo shares how she has persevered through challenges to become a top competitor in the shooting sports.
Mia & the Little Gal: On bear hunting and bringing family together. And, don’t miss out on the delicious tamale recipe!
The Edge: Christine Cunningham likes the new Syren shotgun, made with women in mind. Find out why!
Reeling the Globe: Anietra Hamper visits the land of fire and ice — whale watching, erupting volcanoes and fishing in Iceland!
Find out what the Writing Huntress had to say about ways to explain hunting to your boyfriend.
Her Gear: Michelle Whitney Bodenheimer relates to why it’s important to support companies that fund Breast Cancer Awareness month. Find out the gear she’s tried and recommends.
The Writing Huntress gives “Spread Aide” a lesson on how to set 5 great decoy patterns.
Marti Davis Afield: Marti shares a review of CrossBreed Holsters. She likes!
Babbs looks back to fishing on a stream with her friend, who beat breast cancer and lived to fish again.
Mia & the Little Gal: Mia Anstine shares 10 items to keep in your hunting pack that might save your life while afield.