Follow TeamWON’s writers through their columns.
Rita Schimpff has done her homework and brings some fun facts about the Triple Crown to light in this piece. She even includes her own favorite Mint Julep recipe! Sponsored by Heritage Game Mounts.
Christine Cunningham describes the journey from concept (myth) to reality, the story behind the line of Syren shotguns, made exclusively for women.
We welcome new columnist Annette Doerr, who shares how she planned and executed a Women on Target shooting clinic for ladies last year. Looks like she survived and is going to do it again this year! Sponsored by LaserMax, Inc.
She will not a let a torn ACL keep her down. Find out what happened and why Vera Koo is determined to come back to the shooting sports, sooner — rather than later!
Find out what Theresa Vail told Michelle Cerino about her new TV show, tattoos and women in the military. Sponsored by Galco Gunleather.
Marti Davis asked several women why they choose to carry a firearm. Sponsored by Crossbreed Holsters.
#ThisJustHappened! Read the story of how the Little Gal tagged a monster red stag in New Zealand. Sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing.
From Marti Davis Afield. Learn and employ these 7 things for safe and effective hunting. Sponsored by Crossbreed Holsters.
Babbs sat down with Jessie Duff at the NWTF show recently. Here’s what she had to say.
Are you itching to travel internationally and wonder what you might be missing? Mia tells you what to pack and why. Sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing.
Michelle Cerino schools us in why and how to use a sling. Sponsored by Galco Gunleather, maker of great slings.
Gun writer Richard Mann and our Babbs went on a hunt in the pro shop at Gunsite Academy to bring you 50 Shades of … Gunsite. Find out what they discovered for gun fighters.
It’s time to think spring and flinging a fly-line. Our Bodie tells you why she’ll be wearing these waders in the water.
In our new column, “Armed and In Charge,” Stacy Bright stresses the importance of training with your concealed carry gun.
Find out how Christine Cunningham prepped a first-time hunter for his duck hunt and what she learned from the kid. Sponsored by SYREN USA.
In this installment of Marti Davis Afield, Marti shares turkey decoy set-ups and tips to call in a longbeard.
Marti asked, and several women told her about the guns they preferred. Sponsored by Crossbreed Holsters.
The wonders of Peeps and all the things you can do with them … on and off the range!
Take a trip to India with Vera Koo — from camels to marble to the world’s largest laundromat.
She can tell you all about it now — why she LIKES this shotgun. Sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing.
Want to fish-e-fy your cabin on the lake or stream? Rita Schimpff tells you how. Sponsored by Heritage Game Mounts.
Do you want to go, but just don’t know? Let Christine Cunningham guide through the process of getting started hunting. Sponsored by SYREN USA.
In this #TbT, Mia Anstine details what you need for a successful turkey hunt, and how the Little Gal prepared for the season by working on predator control beforehand. Sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing.
We like stories about new entrepreneurs. Meet Susan Kushlin, who wants to tell the world that she loves to shoot.
Find out what these shooters wear or carry to the range for good luck. Happy St. Pat’s Day!
Randi Rogers stopped long enough in her whirlwind schedule to talk to one of our fav radio hosts, Dan Small.
Randi Rogers tells Frustrated in Frankfurt how to practice to win matches.
Go ahead. Practice this way at your range and we bet you’ll see a marked improvement next season in the bird field. Christine Cunningham tells you how to practice. Sponsored by SYREN USA.
Here’s what we saw at the Firearms and Fashion Expo’s holster show.
Marti searched high and low at the NWTF show. See what she found to take to the turkey woods this year!
He fooled them! Wilbur, the decoy buck, caused Mia and LG to do a double-take. Sponsored by Girls with Guns Clothing.