The National Women’s Sailing Association is excited to be hosting the 2023 National Women’s Sailing Conference in historical Newport, RI. June 3, 2023.
National Autism Awareness Day is Sunday, April 2 and TowBoatUS Islamorada is making a splash in support! Local TowBoatUS owners & operators, Ilene Perez and Carlos Galindo, honor their son and the entire autism community with a “puzzling” vessel.
We think future boat buyers are going to find this article from our friend Barb Hansen, manager of Southwest Florida Yachts, very helpful.
In this Into the Outdoors episode, they’re jumping into the science and importance of PFDs. Listen to the impactful story of a boating accident survivor and how choosing the right PFD for your day on the water can be a life-changing decision.
Backing a boat trailer, new fire extinguisher regulations, outboard tilt/trim are most-watched BoatUS videos in 2022.
Vera Koo’s family decides to relive the past, on a houseboat adventure. Go with her to Lake Mead and experience the magic. It looks like you can go back in time.
Support BoatUS Foundation boating safety programs with personalized gifts and nautical-themed holiday cards during their holiday fundraiser.
Now that recreational boating is coming to a close in much of the country, BoatUS takes a look back at the Top 10 boat names ordered this season through its online boat graphics service.
Unexpected things can happen when you are boating or fishing. Find out how a Mayday call will bring the kind of help you need.
Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation, the leading provider of in-school outdoor education, has hit a new milestone with its Outdoor Adventures program now in 1,000 kindergarten, middle, and high schools across the country.
AdventureSail programming served many happy girls so far this year. We kicked off the East Coast sailing season fun by hosting 41 girls.
Boat Owners Association of These United States (BoatUS) offers five tips to help recover your boat and begin the salvage process.
For the month of October, five red towboats across the U.S. are going pink to bring the issue of Breast Cancer Awareness to the water.
Boaters urged to stay prepared and safe this Labor Day weekend. BoatUS can help you get ready for your boating adventure.
Babbs breaks out the snacklebox on a family boating trip. Find out what she packed, and how she became the perfect purveyor of snacks.
With the pandemic putting more people than ever on the water and consequent rise in boating accidents and fatalities, there’s some better news in the newly released 2021 U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Statistics.
Get ready to hit the water! Our friends at Nature Sport Central explain how to lift, carry and load a kayak by yourself.
Barb Hansen offers some sound advice for those new to the boating life. Find out why being a boat navigator is much more involved than you may think.
Linda Newland, who holds the fastest woman singlehanded record SF-Japan, is honored with 2022 BoatUS/NWSA Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award.
Barb Hansen reminds us that this is a great time for boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible; brushing up on their boating skills and properly prepare for the boating season.
In its third year, the “Get On Board” campaign continues to create awareness of fishing and boating among diverse new audiences.
Barb Hansen says her dogs love boating. She recommends some tips for safety for your dog in this post.
Want to discover and explore new worlds? Look no further than the ocean. Learn more about scuba diving and why you may want to make it your new hobby.
BoatUS has the essential BoatUS Spring Commissioning Checklist to start the boating season right.
A day of fun, camaraderie, and on- and off-water learning experiences for women come to historic Houston Yacht Club on May 20-21 with the 21st annual NWSA Women’s Sailing Conference.
BoatUSFoundation is calling for grant proposals for projects that help educate boaters on safe and clean boating topics.
What are some of the best American freshwater lakes for boaters? BoatUS Magazine highlights 9 picturesque locales for de-stressing, fun, and fishin.
Barb Hansen writes about boat shows, and recommends that people who are looking to buy a boat should ask certain questions. Find out more.
Your canine crew can come in all shapes and sizes, so learn how to pick the right personal flotation device (PFD) for your cherished companion.
A towboat named TowBoatUS Knapps Narrows, Maryland, owned by Capt. Mary Gilmer, was awarded “Tower of the Year” at the recent annual gathering of the TowBoatUS fleet.
Are you planning a getaway or spring break trip? You may want to consider these pros and cons, from Barb Hansen, of Southwest Florida Yachts.