Nancy Keaton caught up with Girls with Guns’ Jen O’Hara to talk about their very special Ruger connection.
Our teen writer, Anna, went on her first hog hunt in Texas. Find out what she learned that she never knew.
Sharenda Birts, in her typical fashion, puts a gun to the test many times over. This time, it was the Franchi Affinity 3.5 Waterfowl Elite.
Jessica Rice, of wildHERness, extols the virtues of the Will Primos Signature Series turkey vest and why it works so well for her.
SilencerCo’s Harvester EVO is lighter than its predecessor and every bit as good (if not better). Babbs takes it out on the ranch for a test or two.
Find out what happens when The Sisterhood of the Outdoors lady hunters take their Beretta waterfowl guns on a specklebelly goose hunt with Bust-A-Duck Guide Services in Arkansas.
Beretta USA sponsored this year’s The Sisterhood of the Outdoors’ duck hunt, which also included a limited-out experience for geese. Find out what happened in Arkansas.
Sharenda Birts put miles and miles on these Irish Setter Wingshooter boots. Find out why she’d buy another pair tomorrow!
Nancy Keaton caught up with Ruger-sponsored-shooter Kristy Titus, who is planning a huge relocation to Wyoming.
Kylie McCrea is the youngest ambassador on SilencerCo’s roster. Find out what she plans to do in ’22.
We decided to take a quick look back at 2021 and the content that we produced for Ruger. We continue to be impressed by this company’s innovations and offerings.
Jessica Rice, of wildHERness, reviews a pair of Ditale Sofia pants. Find out why she’s willing to buy another pair.
It’s been an exciting time for us to work with Crimson Trace’s new lines of products, including red dots and rifle scopes. Find out the “scope” of our coverage last year.
Find out what happened on the 2021 Sisterhood of the Outdoors Annual Youth Hunt in Wyoming for antelope. Sponsored by Beretta USA.
Mark your calendar! The 10th Annual Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt is set for October 6-9, 2022 at the Ranch at Ucross!
Jenny Anderson recaps her deer hunting season and first successful solo hunt using the Benelli LUPO bolt-action rifle.
The Sisterhood of the Outdoors (Sisterhood Outdoors) announces a partnership with Beretta USA as its firearm sponsor for all 2021-2022 hunting and shooting events.
Precision rifle shooter and avid hunter Jen Barcklay relays her story about the 6.5 Creedmoor, Ruger’s rifles and the journey to shoot this accommodating caliber.
Michelle Cerino interviews Ashley Smith and learns not only about Ashley’s time afield, but also about her dog and her new endeavor with Pheasants Forever.
New contributor Colleen Lindley reviews the Alps Outdoorz Allure hunting pack, designed for women by women. Find out why she’ll keep hitching up this one to her body for future hunting trips.
Babbs asks Dr. Bomb for his expert opinion on deer hunting rifle calibers. Find out what he has to say, and why certain calibers reign supreme in the deer world.
Jenny Anderson gets ready for the deer hunting season by sighting in the Benelli LUPO with a Crimson Trace Brushline Pro scope and BOG Deathgrip Tripod.
Project ChildSafe collected all of its existing hunter safety information and created a new online safety hub resource just for hunters.
Sharenda Birts extols the virtues of SoundGear Phantom hearing protection, and lists many reasons why she’s happy she owns them.
Babbs reminisces about last year’s “Year of the Woman Hunter” at the Kansas Governor’s Ringneck Classic. Learn more about this organization and what it’s doing this year at the Classic.
Our teen writer, Anna, was invited to experience elk and pronghorn hunts in Wyoming, thanks to the Oconto River Kids charity. Find out what happened.
If you’re looking for a duck hunt in 2021 with a group of like-minded women, look no further than this one — with The Sisterhood of the Outdoors and Bust-A-Duck Guide Service in Arkansas.
Amy Ray, president of The Sisterhood of the Outdoors, weighs in about mentoring and hunting safety. She gives tips on how to accomplish mentoring, while being safe, safe, safe.
Michelle Cerino walks you through the meaning of shotgun gauges, and how you can easily identify them.
Sharenda Birts took one for the team, and switched over to a lighter weight shotgun — the Benelli Ethos. Find out why she doesn’t want to like it, but can’t help herself.
Jenny Anderson tells us how she takes full advantage of the cooler fall season, with her top 10 ways to get outdoors.