Nancy Keaton talks to Girls with Guns’ CEO, Jen O’Hara, who also represents Ruger in the concealed-carry world of firearms.
Have you ever been curious about what car thieves are actually looking for when they choose a car to steal? Shelley Hill did some research and shared it with The WON.
Michelle Cerino talked to some female gun pros about why revolvers can work well for personal protection.
Walther’s Tatiana Whitlock provides a valuable guest post on how to train for one of the worst scenarios possible: what you should do if you are confronted with a threatening situation while you have your children or a child with you.
Michelle Cerino got valuable tips for safe holiday gatherings from Kelly Sayre, author of “Sharp Women.”
Michelle Cerino checked with Shelley Hill, creator of “Image Based Decisional Drills,” and asked for her top 7 safety tips for women shopping during the holiday season.
Michelle Cerino took Donna Anthony’s Off Body (Purse/Bag) Conceal Carry Course online. Find out why she recommends it so highly.
Our Babbs switches from the 12-inch SilencerCo Salvo to an 8-inch version, and attaches it to another personal defense shotgun that would work well for business use.
Michelle Cerino took “Image Based Decision Drills” online with Shelley Hill. Find out what she liked about it, how it pertains to personal defense and why she’s going to sign up for more training with Shelley.
Avery Skipalis presents a quick video on things to consider before purchasing a firearm.
Michelle Cerino checks in with Gary Quesenberry, author of the “Spotting Danger” situational awareness book series, for his top five safety tips for college students.
When it comes to personal safety and threats, how do we know what to look for? What can we learn by observing others, and how hard is it to train our eyes to see potential harm?
Michelle Cerino details lifesaving interventions for the armed and unarmed person, as taught by Adam Copely, in the FASTER program in northeastern Ohio. Learn more about what you need to know to save lives.
Michelle Cerino gives you not one, but three good reasons to put a Crimson Trace laser on your firearm. She also details times when she did this task and tells you why.
Michelle Cerino talked to renowned law enforcement writer, trainer, researcher and speaker Duane Wolf, and created this list that includes “5 Verbal Commands Every Woman Should Know for Self Defense.”
Don’t get mixed up after a workout. Review and rehearse the fundamentals of safety in Becky Yackley’s article on securing your firearm after a run.
Morgan Rogue explains why situational awareness is a crucial skill to develop and hone in everyday life activities.
Review the fundamentals in Michelle’s collection of tried and true tips for safe firearm storage, operation and awareness!
Michelle Cerino talks to Greg Ellifritz regarding five travel tips everyone should follow.
Women’s Outdoor News and Avery Skipalis bring you a quick video sharing tips on conducting an inventory on your firearms and ammunition.
Following the Feb. 2023 mass shooting at Michigan State University, Gun Tote’n Mamas’ Claudia Chisholm asked The WON what college students can do to survive an active killer attack. Find out what Michelle Cerino, firearms trainer, learned.
Women’s Outdoor News and Avery Skipalis bring you a quick video sharing concealed carry tips to help you along your concealed carry journey.
Women’s Outdoor News and Avery Skipalis bring you a quick video covering the basics of creating a home defense plan.
Women’s Outdoor News and Avery Skipalis bring you a quick video covering the basics of traveling by air with your firearms and ammunition.
In part two of her series on “Concealing for Two,” firearms instructor Tatiana Whitlock describes the second trimester and what to be watching for and how to accommodate personal defense into your lifestyle.
In this second part of her series, Michelle Cerino describes six lessons she learned at the “All Things Vehicle Defense Course.”
Nancy Keaton breaks down how to find information about traveling with a gun, including hotel laws.
Michelle Cerino highlights safety tips for your college kids, based on Kelly Sayre of The Diamond Arrow Group.
Women’s Outdoor News and Avery Skipalis bring you an article on home defense considerations. These points can you help you develop a successful home defense plan.
Avery Skipalis builds on her previous lessons regarding concealed carry, and tells us what to look for when purchasing the items necessary to carry a firearm concealed.
Taurus’ team captain, Jessie Harrison, talks to Nancy Keaton about what she carries and how she carries concealed — all year long.