Hooray! They did it! They passed the SHARE Act in the House!
Don’t stay hidden in your house this winter. Learn how Les Johnson, host of Predator Quest, gets youth involved in the hunt. Sponsored by Remington.
Crossbreed redesigned their ankle holster and it’s on sale! You can save $10 from Feb. 27-29.
Congratulations to all the competitors at the 19th Annual IDPA Indoor National Championships.
The Divas are at it again! Find out more about their 2016 Spring Clinic.
If you enjoy the outdoors and live in the D.C. area, you need to meet up with, The Washington Women Outdoors.
This week’s featured blogger, Sarah Jane Jacob, shares some shooting etiquette that crosses over to any discipline in her blog, “Gun Girl Down Under.”
Show your support of the 2nd Amendment. Get involved with The D.C. Project.
Have you laid your eyes on the Remington V3? If not, you’re in luck, they’re shipping now to a retailer near you.
With millions of Remington firearms in use, we’ve all had our ‘Remington moment’ and now we are giving you 200 reasons to share it.
Congrats to Julie Golob, Randi Rogers, Kay Miculek and Annette Aysen, who are on the 2016 shooting team for Smith & Wesson.
The Women Ice Angler Project has some fantastic photos to share. Find out where you can follow their adventure.
Since my trees are covered in a thick coating of snow I decided we need a summer themed, “Retro WON” this week.
Kristy Titus, a woman to follow.
Spread the word, National Hunting and Fishing Day is September 24, 2016.
Meet The WON’s newest featured blogger, Kristy Crabtree, as she shares her recipe for Bison Sliders in her blog, “Nevada Foodie.”
Congrats to our friend, Jana Waller, on this prestigious award from the National Wild Turkey Federation.
Where Julie beat Eva at sticking arrows downrange! Find out how and why!
We saw these cool carry packs at the SHOT Show. We like! Check them out. For men and women CCW carry.
If you’re an outdoorsman, you need to know about this pivotal and important piece of legislation — for so many reasons.
Who doesn’t love a sale? These chairs provide the Ideal setup for any hunter with limited mobility.
Marie Claire — a magazine well known for beauty tips, fashion and career advice — has launched into the #womenandguns world, and Julie Golob is throwing a flag down on its coverage of American women and gun ownership.
Help us name Lea’s new column, which will focus on young women and their interests in shooting, hunting, fishing and outdoor adventure — as through the eyes of an avid outdoorswoman teen!
Meet an amazing young lady, Maxine McCormick, a fly-casting champion.
Mia Anstine introduces us to her new sponsor, Remington Outdoor Company. She focuses on what Remington offers women in its new lineup this year.
Have you ever considered ice fishing? Follow the ladies of Women Ice Angler Project, they just checked in.
If you’re a recreational boater you need to know these safety tips about boat lighting.
What do you do to celebrate your 5 year anniversary when you are A Girl & A Gun? Give a gun away! What else?
Are you an Adventuress? Would you like to be? Did you know there is a free online magazine just for you?
Congrats to Kristy Titus, who is a fine role model for women hunters as Cabela’s ambassador in the industry.
Did you know that our social media editor also is a hunting guide and freelance writer? Find out about Mia Anstine’s busy, exciting life.