Have you ever thought of the life lessons that boating can teach? Perhaps its time to head out on the water with your family?
To better recognize its remarkable junior pistol competitors, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) has added specialized awards to the 2017 National Trophy Pistol Matches.
Scholarship applications for this fabulous hunting opportunity open in April. Put your name on the list to be reminded. Also, sponsorships are available.
Season 3 of the Women Ice Angler Project will have one new team member this year, Ashlee Lundvall, former Miss Wheelchair USA and new columnist at The WON.
A&E’s Channel Viceland will be on scene to film segments for their documentary series ‘States of Undress,’ at the REALIZE Firearms Awareness Coalition’s concealed carry fashion show.
While on the #BunClubUSA Tour, Claire Sadler enjoyed a visit to the Dallas Gun Club. She tells her side of the story in her featured blog, “Gracing the Field.”
The CMP is in search of volunteers to support them during the 2017 National Matches, held in June and July.
Find out how this community-led effort focused on “Aiming for Zero” firearm accidents, works to prevent firearm thefts and misuse.
This week, Dan Small Outdoors Radio features Becoming an Outdoors-Woman international director Peggy Farrell.
If you live in northeast Texas or southeast Oklahoma, you’ll surely want to attend the first DIVA WOW event in your area.
TeamWON’s Julie Golob and Stacy Bright get on the red carpet and backstage during the 17th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards. They talk to influential women in the outdoor TV world about … inspirations, motherhood, sisterhood, etc.
Join Morgan Mills with a Backstage Pass to the Hottest Events Across Country Music and Outdoor Industries.
The #BunClubUSA tour continues with this video compilation of the women’s hunting adventures in Kansas.
Claire tells her side of the story about the Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club trip to the US in her featured blog, “Gracing the Field.”
Find out the amazing way the Gila Trout will swim again in the remote headwaters of Mineral Creek, well inside the Gila National Forest of southwestern New Mexico.
There are so many “Ladies, Lets Go Fishing events!” You’re sure to find at least one you will want to attend.
Find out what happens when Melissa Bachman heads out on an early season bowhunting trip in Colorado.
Katie Pavlich will be signing catalogs in the Voquartsen booth at SHOT Show this year. Even if you don’t attend SHOT Show, you can register and be in the first 50 to receive an autographed catalog.
If you’re a goal setter, enjoy shooting and find meaning in journaling you should check out A Girl & A Gun’s shooting journal.
Professional competition shooter Gabby Franco heads to the range with the new Remington RP9. Sponsored by Liberty Safes.
Doesn’t this goose recipe from our featured blogger Christy Crabtree look amazing?
Did you hear about the GripSense Technology from LaserMax?
Get yourself ready for the next fishing season by learning the ins and outs of jig fishing for bass in this informative article from FIX.com.
What handguns do you think made the Top 10? Read to find out!
The #BunClubUSA tour continues with this video compilation of the various types of shooting adventures the S&CBC women did while in the U.S.
Smith & Wesson Corp. just announced the debut of it’s new M&P M2.0 pistol.
Go out and grab this collector’s item of Universal Hunter, which is now available on newsstands and online.
Read through these simple tips from TakeMeFishing.org, on how to catch trout through the changing seasons, and you’ll be well on your way to catching your first rainbow, brown or brook trout.
Every day Remington Outdoor Company is stuffing the stocking of this sweet giveaway. Find out more and stop back to enter, because we’ll add new entry methods.
The DIVA WOW Spring Clinic is great for beginners. Includes all instruction, range fees, equipment, ammo, catered lunch and much more!
Give the gift of Christmas stockings this season to the exotic endangered and threatened animals at Stewards of Wildlife.