Girl Power Part 2: Meet More of the AERO Precision Team

In “Girl Power Part 1,” I introduced you to some of the amazing women of the AERO Precision team whose names just so happened to begin with the letter A. Now, for “Girl Power Part 2,” meet some more incredible women of AERO Precision.  

Women of AERO Precision


1 What is your position at AERO Precision? 

I am the director of Customer Experience. My sole responsibility is to ensure each and every customer is provided a superior level of service. I’m interlaced in just a bit of everything, sort of like an internal liaison and external advocate. Often, I engage with our fulfillment team to ensure orders are moving along appropriately, to transitioning and sitting down with supply chain to obtain an inside look at anticipated availabilities. I have a wonderful relationship with our engineers that provides a sneak peek at what’s to come. QC and MRB I remain adjacent to, mainly to corroborate that the product our customers have concerns regarding are handled with attentiveness. AP, machine shop, HR, products and development, marketing and more, if it has any impact on our customers, I’m there.

Gelicia AERO

2 Tell us about your firearms background.

My grandfather, father and great-uncle are all prior service members. Growing up, we always had firearms in the house, accompanied by plenty of vivid memories of watching my dad in the yard shooting cans off the fence with my older brothers.

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

When I started with AERO, we were all in one two-story building. I won’t go into too much detail there; what I can stand behind though is Holgate, it’s where legends were made. It took us coming together like angry siblings getting chores done before their parents came home to succeed. We did just that! We pushed together, we cried together, we celebrated together and we kept each other going. More importantly, we believed in one another and knew that, without a shadow of a doubt, Scott believed in us all. We aren’t just a firearms manufacturer; we are individuals who believe in the same dream. We’re willing to do what it takes to prevail.


4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.

My favorite product is the M4E1/M5E1 Enhanced Upper Receiver. It is simple, beautifully designed, and beginner-friendly.

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to purchase her first firearm? 

I would first confirm that you do not lose any femininity owning or shooting firearms. The first time you shoot, embody self-confidence, breathe and then pull the trigger. The empowerment following is unmatched. After that, you’re hooked.

If you’re interested in purchasing or getting more involved in the industry, trust yourself first. No one knows your capabilities better than you; you will need to advocate for yourself ,but will secure plenty of admiration for doing so.  

You want it, go for it! More women are supporting you than you know.

6 Do you have a favorite memory that involves firearms? 

I was having a day; I mean a day! One occurrence after another. I walked into our range in Lakewood and our range officer says to me, “You need to shoot the machine gun, huh?” It was my first time shooting full-auto. I went through all the steps – single shot and three-round bursts – then, let it rip! I emptied the mag and flipped my safety. He walked over to me and said, “You, OK?” In a high pitch I didn’t even know I had, all I could say was, “Yup.”


1 What is your position at AERO Precision? 

I am the marketing coordinator at AERO Precision, which means a bit of everything most of the time! I coordinate with the creative team, the needs of other departments, supporting events and any and all of the little tasks that go into supporting our marketing endeavors.


2 Tell us about your firearms background.

I’m pretty new to it honestly! My dad was in the Marines, and I grew up with one GLOCK in our home, but we lived in Massachusetts and it wasn’t much part of the culture I grew up in.

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

It’s the builder friendliness. A lot of companies present you with a product, and it’s: “Here’s the finished product – take it or leave it.” At AERO, everything is customizable; your options are totally open. I feel that encourages people to learn more about the products themselves than they would buying a complete product somewhere else. 

9mm EPC Marauder

4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.

My first AERO product was a 9mm EPC in one of their cool builder set patterns (I believe it was called the Marauder.). This one became my favorite because it incorporated an area I was more familiar with, pistol caliber shooting, along with one that I was still learning about, the AR platform.  

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to purchase her first firearm? 

Ask all the questions! The industry is nuanced and can seem overcomplicated and daunting from the get-go. When you’re new to something, don’t be afraid to tell someone it’s your first time or ask them to explain what one of the many, many, many acronyms means. I’ve found that 95 percent of the time, the person you ask will be genuinely excited to explain it to you.

Hunting with friends is always a good time.

6 Do you have a favorite memory that involves firearms? 

In the Summer of 2023, I got the chance to go prairie dog hunting with a group of women in our state of Wyoming. That was really the first time I hunted anything, and it was so fun to see the camaraderie of all the ladies out there just having a blast. I remember that memory fondly.


1 What is your position at AERO Precision? 

I am the customer support representative for AERO’s sister company, Stag Arms. I assist customers with placing orders off Stag’s website, as well as explaining our products and matching the right model to the customer. I also oversee orders placed for Stag and review them for compliance and file any FFLs or SOTs required for purchases. When I need to, I also provide technical service and troubleshooting for our products. This is where being a woman in the firearm industry can get testy. In many instances, customers are not expecting a girl, usually half their age, telling them what sounds wrong with their firearm and how to fix it. 


2 Tell us about your firearms background.

I started shooting at age six with my first .22 single-shot rifle. From there, I have spent most of my life hunting both small and big game. I began shooting competitively at age eight and even attended college on an archery scholarship. In my adult years, you won’t often catch me without my concealed carry. And I even am certified to be a coach for young kids. Now, I have acquired a taste for full-auto and belt feds. I began my career in the industry working for my sponsors in college, then moving on to more firearm-based at Magpul, and now to my current position here. 

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

Two things immediately come to mind when I hear AERO: quality and customer service. There are many companies out there that do what we do, but we do it better because of these. You can feel how much care goes into our products from the people that work here. You know you are getting a quality product, and the people who built it stand behind their work. 


4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.

Now, I will preface that I spend the majority of my workday focused on Stag products. However, Stag and AERO products are made at the same factory by the same people, using the same materials. Also, I am left-handed. Being left-handed is what originally attracted me to working for Stag years ago. I built my own left-handed rifle, and the sheer difference of not having brass in your face is life changing! AERO has now just come out with the M4E1 PRO Series, which has a completely ambidextrous lower. The concept of having true ambi controls, instead of just the safety selector, is absolutely wild to a lefty like me. In my eyes, this is how a lower should be. 

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to purchase her first firearm? 

My first piece of advice is to find what suits you. You can go to any gun shop in America and the guy behind the counter will tell you what they think will suit you, but what they think and what really fits doesn’t always line up. You hear gun shops selling cheap, light 20-gauge shotguns to smaller people but don’t hear how those kick like mules and turn off the person to shooting in general. Go to a range that lets you check out and try different guns with someone you trust who is knowledgeable. This is especially important if you are looking to conceal carry. There is a massive woman shooter community! Try checking out your local range for women’s classes, and even connect with some amazing ladies online. 

6 Do you have a favorite memory that involves firearms? 

I have many, many hunting and shooting memories from my life, as most of my greatest life experiences involve hunting or shooting at some level. However, I will give a brief rundown of my favorite hunting trip – my black bear hunt with my dad.

In June of 2019, my father and I went to northern Idaho for a week-long pack-in bear hunt. This was always a dream trip for my dad and me, especially since a bear harvest in our family was the ultimate prize. The person who started a love for hunting and wildlife conservation in my family was my great-grandmother. The only thing she did not harvest in her life that she truly wanted to pursue was a bear. After being rained on, snowed on and seeing nothing all week, I harvested a beautiful cinnamon-colored sow on the last day of our trip, at last light. After I had shot her, she barreled through the brush into a small clearing, where she died after falling from an attempted tree climb. As we were approaching her with my gun up and ready, watching for signs of life and making noise, I stuck my foot out to nudge her back. As I was doing so, my dad let out a small growl. It scared the daylights out of me, and I fell backward in shock. When I turned to my dad to scold him, he already had tears of joy in his eyes, chuckling, “I’m sorry! I just had to.”


1 What is your position at AERO Precision? 

I am the marketing manager for AERO Precision, Stag Arms, Ballistic Advantage and VG6. I oversee media contracts and relationships, manage all event planning and execution, maintain our affiliate program, monitor the marketing budget and anything else that gets thrown my direction!

Torrie AERO

2 Tell us about your firearms background.

My father was a deputy sheriff for 15 years before I was born, so I grew up with firearms in the household, shooting clay birds and whitetail hunting every fall in mid-Missouri. 

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

Two things set AERO apart: our attention to detail and the people behind the products. We have an impressive, multi-step, start-to-finish QC process that ensures our products meet or exceed expectations. Further than that are the people. Our team has been curated over the years with people who know the industry, actually shoot and are passionate about seeing innovation in the space. 


4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.

The Solus Competition rifle! I took a PRS class a few months back and really got behind the Solus Competition. I learned distance shooting and quickly walked the rifle out to 1,700 yards. It was an absolute blast. Now I am building out my own rig to see about trying to compete. I love that the Solus line is so incredibly accurate out of the box but is also so customizable. 

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to purchase her first firearm? 

When purchasing your first firearm, visit a gun store that feels inclusive the second you walk in; if they suggest a revolver or a gun because it is pink or Tiffany blue … run! Try to find a gun store that has range demos so you can physically handle and shoot the guns. Everyone’s hands are different, so you want to find what feels right for you. If you can, find someone local who offers an intro course to teach you proper grip, stance, etc., and who lets you try out some different models. 

If you want to get involved in the industry, there are a lot of options, depending on what you’re looking for. Competitions and local hunting groups are great places to start and find camaraderie. Look for jobs you know you’re good at doing. I was a wedding coordinator before I joined the industry and the skills I learned there have led to me being able to throw some of the coolest events in the industry. Admit when you don’t know something; people in this industry respect you more if you’re looking to learn than if you try to “fake it till you make it.” 

6 Do you have a favorite memory that involves firearms? 

This is a tough one. I have a ton of great memories, but I think I have to go with Romp in the Swamp back in 2021. I got to shoot mini guns, a 249 on the top of a Humvee and nearly every full-auto you could think of. It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I won’t forget about anytime soon!

And there you have it! Some of the most amazing women in the firearms industry who just so happen to be part of the AERO Precision team.

Interesting in working at AERO Precision? Keep track of job opportunities here.

Find all the products AERO Precision offers here.

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.