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Cathy Mumford finishes solo 740-mile kayak trek

She did it, and she turned 50 while doing it — a 740-mile Northern Canoe Forest Trail from Old Forge, N.Y., to Fort Kent, Maine, in her kayak named Sparky. Cathy Mumford became the first woman to travel the route alone and finished on Monday, Aug. 16, 2010. Along the way, she camped in someone’s yard, portaged around rapids (because she promised her mom she wouldn’t do rapids) and kept a journal that she calls a “long, run-on sentence.” Read Julia Bayly’s article in the Bangor Daily News.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.


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