Out of 10 contestants, Rebecca Francis received more than 27 percent of the vote to win the ‘Extreme Huntress” contest sponsored by Prois Hunting Apparel, Otis Technology, Inc., Buck Knives, Primal Adventures, and several other sponsors. Francis won a hunt for bighorn sheep, mountain goats and black bear in British Columbia that will be filmed by Primal Adventures TV.
To learn more about Francis, see this article in the Daily Herald: http://www.heraldextra.com/lifestyles/article_97f51470-dc92-502e-b5ac-4b00ff66f5d9.html
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women. View all posts by The WON
I believe the point being made is that Rebecca Francis breaks the stereotypical mold of a dumb blonde who cannot possibly hunt or understand how to operate a firearm. Check a lot of the major hunting magazines — check the male models used in the advertisements there. Beefy and lots of facial hair. So, whether it’s written or not … the standard has been set. You won’t see a Bubba on the cover of Field and Stream. Sadly, most of the coverage of women who hunt in these magazines is a “By golly, can you believe the little woman can do that?” attitude. Thanks for your comments.
I’d like to take a moment to say that it’s been a long hard road for us women in general to get to where we are at today, and for the most part I do believe that we have gotten there through hard work and dedication. That said, I find the statements above to be all to “canned” and “padded responses” to which obviously a member of the judging commitee stands behind Mrs. Francis. Slightly biased and a conflict of interest in terms of an actual response to what I was trying to convey within my comment. I see at least 3 comments on here that have a connection to Rebecca. One being a person who was involved in the contest panel, and I think we all can understand a defensive PR rebutal, a second response coming from Lee Fracis who has stated his own biasness in this matter to which I’ve heard financially structured the campaign which helped a more financially well off contestant stack the deck against other contestants (which by the way were you REALLY looking for the most extreme huntress or the one that had the most money to campaign to get the votes?), and a third reply coming from Rebecca Francis herself. Once again furthering my point.
Let me clarify and state that I do not intend to create a smear session about Mrs. Francis. I will not judge a book by it’s cover but will call a spade a spade when I see one. I’m certainly open to knowing more about her but not if we’re all going to play this little game of “Oh, it’s not about looks and money”, because if that were the case then why would all of her youtube videos have the label “Blonde Girl Shoots Lion”, or “Blonde Girl Kills Moose”. I’m not sure if those are the exact labels, but each one of them do in fact have the words “Blonde Girl”… no let me ask you this… If it’s not about looks and trying to actract men on a shallow level and it’s not about a reverse sexist campaign measure but rather be about an ACTUAL hunting extremist… then why use that description? We all, as outdoorswomen, see through the b.s. (sorry for the language but nothing better really comes to mind), and I feel it’s a slap in the face to those who don’t, in fact, know Mrs. Francis to play them as fools by making such statements that it’s not how the contest and or marketing of her campaign was orchestrated. I don’t ever recal seeing a man trying to promote himself as labeling a youtube video “Tall dark and handsome man shoots monster buck”. Get the point?
I hope I’ve made myself clear in my perception. I do not intend to create a fuss but rather expose exactly the type of behavior that we, as women, have dont to ourselves consistantly over the years to demean our presence rather than excelling in life with realism and work ethic. And again, this is just my opinion, but it just seems as if Mrs. Francis was competing in a popularity contest rather than what the actual contest was supposed to be geared toward. Women like myself who has two jobs and two children with a husband and a mortgage don’t get the opportunity to “save” money for hunting and not on “luxury” items as Lee Francis stated. Heck, I don’t even know what luxury means anymore! Must be nice. But I will say this, I live in a rural community and we are all good people here in smalltown USA who work hard for our families and community. We don’t have the “luxury” of spending thousands of dollars on trips to Africa, Alaska and other exotic places. Does that make me any less “extreme” of a “huntress”? I’d like to think no. But according to this so called contest, I guess my little ol’ ten point buck I took back in 2004 that barely scored 126 that I slept in a tent in the middle of a state forest for 8 days in just to harvest him doesn’t really count then? I’d rather not be labeled as an “Extreme Huntress”, if that means having money to pay for hunting opportunities and exploiting my hair color to play on the great men out there that support real women in the outdoors, then I don’t want it. I’m just Pat… and I’m ok with that. It’s just sad that other women feel as if they have to prove something and hurt our gender in doing so.
I appreciate the openess within this site to express myself and appreciate the fact that my statements are allowed here. One thing there is that at least we’re not regressing and holding back women from speaking out again. Nonetheless, congratulations Mrs. Francis. I truly hope you hear more than just the voices that are in your ear right now trying to make money off from you until you no longer are the “hot little number”, and become “old” news.
Thank you for the enlightenment on a issue I feel we as women should be working together on, not depleating what we’ve all worked so hard for just to get to this platform that we are on right now. Don’t fall into sensationalism, be true to yourself. You don’t have to explain any further as I can predict what the canned response will be. The people outside of your social network will make up there minds beyond anything I say, or you say for that matter… it’s in your actions. And it is your actions, as the old cliche goes, that speak louder than words.
Patricia Devine, WI
I would like to address a few things brought up in this conversation. First, Pat I don’t believe I have met you, but I would certainly like to, so that we could clear up some of these misunderstandings. I’m curious as to what influenced the judgement you placed on me? Due to what you said in your comment, it seems you have been misinformed. But that’s ok, I can’t tell you how many times I have judged a person without knowing all the facts and then felt bad about it later. I would love to chat with you some time, please feel free to contact me on facebook anytime.
Second, Barbara, thank you so much for your comments, I too have questioned the validity of these online contests since becoming a part of one. After a lot of consideration, I feel that while the underlying intent of the contest may be vying for one objective, there are many other positive aspects derived as a result of that objective. We all know that the main goal of this and any other contest is publicity for whatever company is sponsoring the contest. That in itself is a viable and necessary goal for any company trying to become more successful. And honestly, I think it is an ingenious idea because one, it drives a lot interest from the public, and two, the public then benefits for their interest. However, because of these contests, there are more and more men, women, and children wanting to become involved not only for the chance that they might “win” something, but pursuing a worthy interest as well. Too many people are locked behind a computer, television, or desk not experiencing all that life has to offer. Why not encourage people to get out and enjoy, explore, and appreciate all that God has created for us? Anything we can do to help people discover the outdoors is an admirable goal in my book.
Third, Kirstie, thank you so so much for your kind words. I think the attention being brought to women and children in hunting is a wonderful new avenue needed so that we don’t forget the “basics” in life. We all need to get out and participate in activities that keep the hunting heritage alive. Kirstie, thank you so much for not only being a part of that contest and future contests, but for donating so much of your time, amazing products, and influence in this industry!
Hi, I am Rebecca Francis’s husband, and I just want to clear a few things up about Rebecca. First, Rebecca is cute, looks great, is athletic, strong, smart, and a wonderful mother. She runs in several marathons a year specifically to stay in shape for hunting. But she is also the “real deal” huntress. Take a look at some of her trophies. She has quite a collection. (you can see some pics on http://www.rebeccafrancis.com) She has taken most on self guided hunts on public lands. If you know anything about how hard it is to get big mule deer, you will appreciate what it takes to harvest 200 and 210 class bucks. It doesn’t happen consistently unless you are a very serious hunter. We do almost all of our hunts on our own. We only use a guide where it is required by law. We get great discounts on hunting in Alaska because I am an assistant guide there and work off most of the cost of our hunts. Hunting is a priority for us, so we save our money to go on hunts, and don’t spend it on other luxuries.
Rebecca didn’t have to spend any money on the contest, just a lot of time on the internet and talking to people. But word spreads fast when you have a lot of great friends who want to help you out. She made thousands of friends on the internet that she is still in touch with daily. Sorry if you were left out, but she is as friendly as they come. She is also very active in promoting woman and kids in the outdoors. She is busy almost every weekend helping and sponsoring banquets for wildlife. She is willing to do what it takes to help others enjoy what she loves. Please feel free to get to know her better and you will see that she is as serious as any hunter you will ever meet, male or female. I know I am a little biased because I love her, but you would to if you knew her.
Wow. Pat- As I read your comments I am hit with a couple of different emotions. I first feel a sadness that a contest that was created to celebrate women (ALL women) who have an unmistakable passion for hunting and the outdoors is met with angry, mean-spirited comments. Understandably, there is difficulty with any online contest and the oversight committee on this particular contest (myself included) worked hard to encourage and regulate the contest. At the end of the day, the contest is still a way to celebrate women and tighten that community of women in the outdoors. The purpose was not to drive a wedge into that community through anger or jealousy.
Next- I feel pity. I am always saddened to see women pick apart other women that they do not even know. Pat, I am not sure if you have met Ms. Francis. I DO know Rebecca and she is a bright and engaging woman who puts her family first and loves the outdoors. If these qualities do NOT make Rebecca a “good representation” of what “REAL extreme hunters are”, then I am unclear as to what characteristics do represent a real hunter. Notice, I do not mention her beauty- this is because that is not what makes Rebecca an amazing woman. Nor does the fact that she may or may not have a vast “bank account”. If Rebecca looked different would she be more deserving? I find it interesting and sad that women in our society have rallied endlessly against the stereotypes put forth by the media about what a woman should look like, dress like and act like. Women have fought to prove that no matter what they look like, dress like,act like or how much money they do or don’t have- they are intelligent, capable and successful. Your comments sadden me because it would seem that the feminist rally-cry is a one-way street and does not encompass a woman who may be beautiful or even financially stable. It appears we have not come a long way, baby.
As a judge for this contest, I assisted in the process (which is actually a point system based on human interest, passion, excitement…and lastly- hunting experience). If you look closely at the women who are in the top 10- they come from a variety of backgrounds, a variety of looks (which has utterly NOTHING to do with the contest) and a variety of stories. They DO share a common thread and that is each of these remarkable women have passion for the hunt that they demonstrate in different ways. I must say, I cannot imagine anyone (man or woman) who is not awed and humbled by each and every one of these women. I did see the bios for the top 35 women for the contest- and I must say that there is not one single woman in the group (beautiful or not, rich or not) that has not inspired me in one way or another. There is strength, depth and integrity in each story. To me, this is very moving.
I look forward to being inspired again by the next group of women who enter the Extreme Huntress contest. If I cannot be moved and awed by women who share my same passions, then I think I need to check to see if I have a pulse…or a heart.
Pat, I too appreciate your comments because it means you cared enough to respond. Passion is a good thing. However, before posting comments about a woman you do not necessarily know, I ask that you should speak with Rebecca Francis yourself. Perhaps you too could be inspired.
I think it’s great that women are getting more involved in the outdoors. Unfortunately though, I have to say that Mrs. Francis bought her way into winning this contest. Her family has quite the bank account and ensured her victory. She went about all over the internet begging for votes from people that didn’t even know her, and all she did was promise that she wanted to be a part of the outdoor community and then turned her back on it once she used everyone and won. It was quite clear, after she won, what her intention was. Which, in my opinion, I feel was to use her “blonde” tag and label she has self-proclamated upon herself to become yet another woman who gets somewhere in life through money and good looks. I don’t feel she’s a good representation of what REAL extreme women hunters are. I think we all could be “extreme” if we had her money and could all just rely on good looks and shallow self promoting campaigns. What we all REALLy want to see is more of the REAL women! Just my two cents.
Pat: Of course, readers know that comments are moderated here at The WON, and that means we do not agree with every comment posted. We will not post nonconstructive or demeaning comments. Your comment, though, begs the question of whether contests, such as Extreme Huntress, Battle of the B.O.W. and the one that Huntin’ with the Judge is promoting should be run as popularity contests? As far as using social networking, I seem to recall a recent presidential candidate’s success in employing that method. And, I wish that you would reach out to Rebecca and find out if your assumptions are correct, or if maybe a little class envy is coming into play here? You see, I don’t know you … but, to me, that’s what it sounds like. Thanks for commenting and yes, let’s “talk” about these online campaigns to “vote for the best outdoors person.”
Congratulations to Rebecca! Rebecca and all of the Extreme Huntress contestants completely proved that women can hunt…and hunt hard!
Pat Devine said “I don’t ever recall seeing a man trying to promote himself as labeling a youtube video “Tall dark and handsome man shoots monster buck”. Get the point?”
You are right on, Pat – media discussions of an extreme huntress shouldn’t mention a competitor as blonde, redhead, sultry brunette, silver fox or anything else.
What is this – America’s Next Top Model? Idol? The sponsors know that sex sells -that’s the reality – but all hot chicks have a fast sell-by date. And so will the Extreme Huntress contest if it collaborates in such sad superficiality.