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The Women’s Gun Show Episode #56: The Most Dangerous Cities in the US

In this show, Carrie Lightfoot, of The Well Armed Woman, and Barbara Baird, of Women’s Outdoor News, discuss the FBI’s most recent list for the most dangerous cities in the US. Julie Golob offers a tip about footwear on the range. The pair also talk about trending news, including defending against terrorism, cool products and events. The show is sponsored by Ruger.

mi state shoot TWAW Carrie and Barb catch up before launching into the show’s topic, as both have put on some miles in travel since they last conversed. Carrie was at the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Industry Summit in Austin, Texas, and then traveled to Michigan for a very special event for The Well Armed Woman. Barb spent time in the Dakotas with family.

Topic: The Most Dangerous Cities in the US

Barb and Carrie use the data from this FBI report for the show’s topic: Carrie also references this article, in regard to the most dangerous cities for murder rates in the US: And, Carrie references another article about states with the most restrictive gun laws: tip time footwear julie golob

Tip Time, with Julie Golob 

Julie Golob, one of the world’s best competition shooters, offers advice for choosing footwear for the range, in this week’s tip, sponsored by NRA Women. Survival Story Carrie mentions that a Franklin, Ohio, woman thwarted a would-be purse snatcher by pulling gun and demanding that he drop the purse:   Firearms News You Can Use Barb says that a police commissioner opened a big old can of worms in the United Kingdom, by suggesting that rural folks should think about helping to defend against terrorist attacks with their guns: Carrie follows Barb’s theme with this story, of a Florida sheriff who urges citizens to take up arms to fight terrorism:  

Cool Products  

TWGS pinterest board Barb mentions the various Pinterest boards in progress for “The Women’s Gun Show.” Carrie likes the look of the CoolFire Laser Recoil trainer:  

TWAW Product of the Week  TWAW patchCarrie says it’s time to get a new circle patch that features The Well Armed Woman logo, $4.99:

The WON’s Post of the Week

Church Barb likes these 2 columns, written by Stacy Bright, about churches and security teams: Calendar: What’s up?  Barb checked with Hillsdale College and there is still room in the “Ladies for Liberty Class” at Hillsdale: june giveaway twaw 17 Carrie urges listeners to sign up for The Well Armed Woman Giveaway of the Month, which features a GLOCK 19 FS and a Liberty Safe HDX-250 Smart Vault:

Lori fan of the month tagsFan of the Month Inteview with Lori, from Alaska

Give a listen to this month’s Fan of the Month, Lori, on why she is a self-protector and other valuable topics. Download, listen and subscribe to The Women’s Gun Show on iTunes,  Stitcher and iHeart Radio.

Fan of the Month

a Rafflecopter giveaway Check out our new social media platforms at Facebook and Pinterest. The Women’s Gun Show is proud to be a part of The Gun Podcast Network –

  • About Barbara Baird

    Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at