Have you ever heard of Kombucha tea, aka mushroom tea?
I hadn’t, until I spent a week at Kenda Lenseigne’s home and questioned her about the 2-gallon glass container sitting on her kitchen counter, filled with a tan liquid, emanating a slight aroma of vinegar. She went to her refrigerator and brought out one of the many mason jars filled with the same color liquid and poured me a small glass. The first sip tasted a bit odd, but by the time I finished the glass I decided I liked it. My friend explained how she made the fermented tea called Kombucha and offered me her recipe and a small jar with a piece of her SCOBY (sometimes called, “The Mother” or Mushroom) to take home ( I would need it to start my own batch).
A SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast).
Originating around 2,000 years ago in Far East and sometimes called the “Immortal Health Elixir” this fermented beverage, known as Kombucha, is believed to have many health benefits.
Possible Health Benefits of Kombucha (These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA)
Although I could easily purchase Kombucha tea at most health food stores, being a “do-it-yourselfer,” I decided I would start my own batch with the SCOBY Kenda gave me. A SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) contains a living colony of bacteria and yeast that start fermenting once combined with sugar. This ugly, rubbery, slimy disc grows and eventually covers the surface of the tea, sealing it off from the air. As fermentation takes place, the sugar turns into probiotics and healthy acids.
How to Make 2 Gallons of Kombucha Tea
What You Need:
Michelle pours her Kombucha into 2 quart jars before straining.
Begin with sterilized equipment and wash your hands thoroughly.
A little flavored tea adds variety to the Kombucha batches.
To flavor the Kombucha, add a small amount of herbal tea or grated ginger to the jar when bottling.
I could go on and on about my Kombucha tea. Adding different flavors, brewing for varying amounts of time and even double fermenting for more fizz. Take the time and do some research online to find out what will work best for you. Although the recipes are similar, there are slight differences that you may like better. And if you decide you love your SCOBY like me, you can find my shirt at Violet Love.
All the statements made in this post are based on the personal experience and a collection of research gathered in various ways. The author can in no way be held responsible for any problems arising from the use of the information contained in this site. All information is given freely for use at your own discretion and is for informational purposes only. No health claims for Kombucha have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA approved Kombucha to cure or prevent any disease.
Please consult with your Physician before using Kombucha tea. Only your health care provider can provide you with the best advice on what is safe and effective for your health. This site is not responsible or in control of the consumers’ home brewing process.
Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore. View all posts by Michelle Cerino