Cheryl Todd, host of the National radio show, Gun Freedom Radio, and owner of Southwest Valley business will be speaking on the West Lawn of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., at The DC Project Rally on July 8.
The DC Project is a nonpartisan initiative that brings 50 women, one from each state, to our nation’s capital to meet with legislators about Second Amendment rights. Women are the fastest growing demographic of gun owners and they bring a unique voice to our government about an issue that effects the liberties of all American citizens.
Todd is on the board of directors of the Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association (ASRPA), is a published author for several firearm news outlets, and has traveled the country speaking at various events that uphold Second Amendment rights. On the weekly radio show, Gun Freedom Radio, that Cheryl Todd hosts with her husband, Dan, she interviews national celebrities from the gun world, authors, political figures, and experts. Their purpose is to engage, educate, and inform American citizens and help bring one of the most important issues of our time into the forefront. Gun Freedom Radio brings awareness and clarity on politically clouded issues, examines news articles for media bias, and helps cut through the political doublespeak. It is a show that brings the most up-to-date, fact-based information to the listener.
Todd’s goal is to reach the masses and encourage them to find their own voices on this issue. Todd is incredibly passionate about the government honoring the oath it took to uphold the Constitution of the United States and wants people to understand the importance of the Second Amendment — whether they are pro-gun or anti-gun. “This is the ONLY Amendment that says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. That should tell us how vital it is to our freedom. We want to help citizens understand that the Second Amendment is the one amendment that protects all of the others and the Constitution itself. If this one amendment topples, then all of the others will follow and we will no longer be the free nation we are today. History proves time and time again of the dangers of an unarmed, and therefore helpless, people. The lesson has been learned; let’s not repeat it because we did not stand up for our rights,” stated Todd.
The DC Project was developed to start a conversation between “We the People” and our government. Other notable speakers at the event include Olympic Shooter Gabby Franco, Second Amendment attorney Gayle Trotter and professional competition shooters and TV personalities Dianna Muller and Becky Yackley.
Learn more about Gun Freedom Radio:
Read Cheryl Todd’s column, “The Flame,” at The WON, sponsored by Gun Freedom Radio:
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women. View all posts by The WON