In this installment of #HuntingwithJR, Judy Rhodes gives you some helpful information about quail and how to hunt them. Judy, aka JR, from Dallas, Texas, of course — is a 250-day-a-year hunter, on her own dime and her own time. When not planning and attending DIVA WOW events, a non-profit women’s outdoor organization that focuses on hunting, shooting, fishing and outdoor skills, JR loves to get out with her favorite hunting dog, Shaka, and fill her freezer with delicious meat.
Judy Rhodes, the Voice of Women in the Outdoors is an outdoor visionary and mentor to women and youth in the outdoors. Judy, Founder of DIVA ... Women Outdoors Worldwide is the largest women's ONLY outdoor organization. DIVA WOW is a non-profit 501(c)3 unique all volunteer sisterhood dedicated to encouraging women to discover their outdoor passion. View all posts by Judy Rhodes