With the weather warming up, families are venturing outside more to play and find adventure. It’s never too early to teach children about the dangers of wild animals. Keep reading to learn more in this featured post by The Survival Mom. ~ The Editors
As parents and caregivers, you want to teach children about wild animals and help them develop a healthy respect for wildlife, both in their own backyard and beyond. By understanding the differences between wild and tame animals, your children will learn to appreciate nature from a safe distance. Here is the knowledge and tools you need to teach children about wildlife safety.
Most of us have enjoyed cartoons at some point in our lives. Heck, some of us still do! Disney and other companies have made animation entertaining for adults and kids. It’s so easy to get sucked into a movie and become attached to the cute animal characters, isn’t it? Just like teaching your child to brush their teeth or how to tell if food is spoiled, a basic understanding of wild animals is a crucial life skill. If you homeschool, it could be another survival skill you teach. Let’s look at how to teach our children wildlife safety.
What is a wild animal?
Most children would consider a wild animal to be one that lives in the jungle or the zoo. However, plenty of wildlife could live right in your backyard. Even familiar animals like squirrels or raccoons, are considered wild.
3 Key Points
Here are three key points to remember when teaching your child about wild animals:
Continue reading, “Ways to Teach Children About the Dangers of Wild Animals” at The Survival Mom’s website.
The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women. View all posts by The WON
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