Review: Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody by Lady Conceal

As a concealed carry permit holder, I do not always have the luxury of having my firearm with me at all times for personal protection. For instance, the times when I am running into the post office, going to the Y – which is attached to the high school – or heading out for an evening where I know I will be partaking in an adult beverage. At those times, I carry a non-lethal self-defense tool. I had never had a purse designed specifically to store those items until now. Let me introduce you to the Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody by Lady Conceal.

Lady Conceal Horiz Ad 2025 960x100px looped

The mint green color of the Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody caught my eye immediately. It is a unique color and I always like to have something that looks a little different, and this one is perfect for spring. Then, there is the buttery soft, premium full-grain leather. It feels silky soft to the touch. Next, the size, which is not much bigger than my hand, is perfect for a trip when I cannot carry my firearm (4.5” L x 7″ H x 1.5″ D). 

Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody

The Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody comes with two zippered compartments. I carried my phone, reading glasses and lipstick in the larger compartment. That compartment offers RFID protection with a three-slot card organizer. I always carry a credit card, driver’s license, health and automobile insurance cards and some cash. The second compartment is a little smaller, with a Velcro strip sewn in. 

Pepper spray in purse

Here’s the EXCITING part, or as in TV infomercials, someone would say, “But …  there’s more!” The Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody has been designed with a Velcro pouch, perfect for holding a unit of pepper spray, flashlight, knife or other items of that size you may choose to carry for self-defense. 

self defense tools and purse

Note: If you are looking for a non-lethal, self-defense tool, read my previous post, “Carrying Non-Lethal Self-Defense Tools.” In it, I share a list of personal protection tools, and Shelley Hill, of The Complete Combatant, shared her tips for carrying pepper spray. 

Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody hands

On the very front of the purse is an open slip pocket. I used this pocket differently every time I was out. When I was shopping and needed to keep taking my reading glasses off and on to see the price tags, I stored them in the slip pocket. The other day, my lips were so dry I had to keep reapplying lip balm while I was out with a friend, so I tucked that right in the front for easy access. It would also be great for a tin of mints, pack of gum or anything else that’s smaller and you need easy access. 

Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody pom

The Shay Slim Leather RFID Crossbody by Lady Conceal is an ideal purse for those times when you cannot carry your firearm and want to bring along another tool for self-defense. It is also ideal for college students or anyone who cannot legally carry a firearm for whatever reason. It’s perfect for everyday use and is available in four colors: mint, lilac with purple pearls, black and cognac. MSRP: $79.95

Visit Lady Concealed’s website to explore the selection of available concealed carry purses.

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.


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