Meet Syren USA’s Ambassadors

When a product has fabulous, strong women standing behind it, I want to know more about it. Syren shotguns are no exception – with an amazing team of ambassadors touting the benefits of a shotgun designed for women. Meet a few of the latest members to Syren USA’s ambassador program and learn more about them and why they choose to shoot Syren shotguns in the month’s Syren Savvy.

Syren Shotguns for women, the goal of Syren is to provide products that are designed exclusively for Women. No more compromises.

Syren USA’s Newest Ambassadors


Abby Chambers

Please will you tell our readers what you want them to know about you. 

I am from Savannah, Georgia. I’ve competed in the shotgun sports for about six years now, two of those being on the National Sporting Clays Tour. I am just starting my third year on the circuit this spring. I’ve been shooting a Syren since the beginning. I began with the Syren L4S, moved to the Syren Tempio and now I am shooting Syren’s Julia. I have loved each and every one, as the fit, design and looks are perfectly suited for women. I believe there’s nothing us women can’t do, including excelling and having fun in the shooting sports and outdoors world. I owe my love for the outdoors to my dad, who had me on the boat and in a deer stand by four-years old. 

How did you discover the shooting sports?

It feels almost like the shooting sports found me in a way. I was dealing with a couple injuries from sports I previously played in high school. One day, I was talking to my family about it, and my brother suggested I try shooting. A couple days later, I went out to shoot and was hooked immediately. My love for the sport has only grown the more I get to travel and compete all around the world. I got involved at my local gun club and high schools teams, and have continued shooting and teaching at gun clubs in my area.

abby syren

When women ask you why you shoot a Syren, what do you say?

I love Syren for just about every reason there could be. They have a phenomenal service team that answers every question I could possibly have. They are quick and efficient if something needs adjusting or to be fixed. The pro-staff team is the best group of women I have ever met, and I am incredibly blessed to be a part of the ambassador family. The guns themselves are like putting on your favorite pair of jeans. The fit is perfect, the grip radius fits women’s hands perfectly. The stock dimensions are designed to fit our shoulders and higher cheek bones. And not to mention, the light recoil. My Syren is hands-down the softest felt recoil of any gun I’ve shot or tested. When people ask, “Why Syren?” I almost always say, “How could you not? There is nothing a Syren can’t do!”

Whats the best way for a woman to start competing?

I believe the best way to get into shooting would be to reach out to women already in the industry. From my experience, all the women I’ve connected with in the shotgun world have been the most informative and kindest people to work with. Syren also has a list of resources on their website for women looking to get in to the shooting world. You can also contact any of the girls on the pro-staff team or any ambassador to get more information about the shotgun world. For clay shooting in particular, I would reach out to your local gun club or local instructors for more information, and also check the Syren website. All of the women are extremely helpful and are willing to answer any question under the sun.


Brooke McFarren

Please will you tell our readers what you want them to know about you. 

I am deeply passionate about shooting, and my involvement extends beyond the sports aspect. I have been actively engaged in shaping government policies for women in conservation and shooting sports. Through my multiple trips to Washington, D.C., I have passionately advocated for hunting and shooting sports to senators and congressmen. My dedication to all things related to shooting is unwavering, which is why I have made it my mission to show that shooting is for everyone, not just boys.

Despite having made a name for myself, I still encounter surprise when people learn that I am a woman in shooting sports. This only strengthens my resolve to ensure that the world knows girls are just as capable, if not more so, than boys in this field. It’s a personal goal of mine to challenge and change these outdated perceptions. My hope is that my efforts will inspire more girls to join the shooting sports community and to be recognized for their skills and passion.

The journey has not been without its challenges, but the progress made and the connections forged along the way have been incredibly rewarding. Through mentorship and advocacy, I aim to create a more inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of gender, feels welcome and encouraged to pursue their interests in shooting sports.


How did you discover hunting?

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a shotgun in my hands; it became my norm. I vividly recall my first time out on the water with my dad. I was around four-years old, proudly carrying my very own decoy that my dad and I had painted together. This is one of my father’s favorite stories to tell. At the end of our hunting trip, my dad asked me, “So, Brooke, what did you think?” I replied with the blunt honesty only a child can muster: “This is stupid.”

That particular hunting trip, we came back empty-handed, and I promised myself that the next time I went hunting, I would be big enough to shoot the ducks myself; I was tired of watching my dad miss. Around the age of nine, I began getting more involved in shooting sports. I even competed in a hunt and cover team with my dad, and we won. This marked the beginning of my deep passion for shooting sports.

As I grew older, I eventually became big enough to shoot ducks on my own. Not only that, but I soon surpassed my dad in shooting prowess. My love for duck hunting blossomed, fueled by every successful shot. Even though he will never admit it, we both know that I have become the better shot. These hunting trips shared with my dad have not only honed my skills but have also created countless cherished memories.

When women ask you why you shoot a Syren, what do you say?

My passion for shooting sports runs deep, and finding the perfect gun is crucial for me. Over the past eight years of shooting, I have tried more than 10 different shotguns. With full confidence, I can say that a Syren shotgun is the only one I have ever picked up that fit me perfectly right out of the box. I frequently share with others that my shotgun required no modification because it truly fits. As a small, left-handed female shooter, my options for shotguns are quite limited unless I am willing to spend thousands of dollars on modifications.

Syren shotguns are unique; they are designed by women, for women. From the very first moment you try a Syren shotgun, there is no going back. You become part of a special family. These shotguns are crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, ensuring that female shooters feel comfortable and confident with every shot. The dedication and thoughtfulness put into each Syren shotgun make them unparalleled in the world of shooting sports.

Embracing a Syren shotgun has not only enhanced my performance, but also has connected me with a community of like-minded women who share the same passion. It’s more than just a shotgun; it’s a symbol of empowerment and inclusion in a sport where finding the right equipment can be a challenge.


Whats the best way for a woman to start competing?

Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet! It can be intimidating to enter the shooting sports world, especially since it tends to be male-dominated. However, women often excel in these activities and can be just as skilled, if not more so!

  1. Research and connect: Start by looking up local gun clubs or shooting ranges. You can use online resources or ask around for recommendations. Many clubs offer beginner classes and women-only events, which can be a great way to ease into the sport.
  2. Find a mentor: Mentorship can make a huge difference. Look for someone who is experienced and willing to take you out on a mentor hunt or guide you through the basics of shooting. The shooting community is incredibly welcoming, and people are usually more than happy to help newcomers.
  3. Join groups and forums: There are numerous online forums and social media groups dedicated to women in shooting sports. These communities can provide support, advice, and connections to events and competitions.
  4. Practice and participate: Once you have the basics down, practice regularly and take part in local competitions. These events can be a great way to improve your skills and meet other enthusiasts.

Remember, the shooting sports community is very inclusive and supportive. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and take advantage of the resources available. Good luck, and happy shooting!


Emily Miller

Please will you tell our readers what you want them to know about you?

I am currently a student at Fort Hays State University. My main discipline is sporting clays, I enjoy going to as many NSCA tournaments as I can. I am on the FHSU shotgun team so I also shoot skeet, double skeet, super sporting, sporting clays, trap and double trap during those collegiate competitions.

How did you discover the shooting sports or hunting?

Back in 2018, my dad started a 4-H shotgun club in my hometown of Norton, Kansas. I had some experience with shooting and hunting while growing up, so I thought I would give shotgun a chance. I really started getting into competing at the end of 2020 when I started shooting registered NSCA competitions. I graduated high school in 2021 and went to college at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture where I joined their collegiate shotgun team. I shot for NCTA for 2 years and then transferred to Fort Hays State University, where I am continuing my shooting journey with them along with going to the occasional NSCA shoot when I am not on the road with my team.


When women ask you why you shoot a Syren, what do you say?

The gun fit of a Syren is amazing. When I was looking to get a new gun, I looked everywhere to find a gun that was perfect for me until I found Syren. I have never shot or held a gun that fits as good as a Syren does. Most guns are bigger, bulkier and are built for men. Women have different body shapes and types than men do and Syren does a great job taking that into consideration when looking at how to design their gun to best fit their target audience. Everything is made to scale for women, it is a little lighter and the length of pull and grip are smaller in order to fit women perfectly.

Whats the best way for a woman to start hunting or competing?

Just go out and give it a try! Try finding a gun that fits you at least somewhat so it does not end up hurting you and turning you away from the sport, and you will shoot better when a gun fits you. I never imagined I would be at where I am today when I first started shooting, so you never know what you will end up loving! If you know someone that competes or just shoots for fun, ask them if you can go out with them and give it a shot. Most of the people in this sport would be more than happy to help teach you and help the sport grow.

Learn More About Syren USA’s Ambassadors

After learning more about Syren’s newest ambassadors, I’m sure you have no doubt why they assembled this dedicated team who love shooting Syren shotguns. 

To learn more about the other members of Syren’s pro-staff and ambassadors, and check out all the beautiful shotguns, visit the Syren USA website

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.


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