How to Make an Easy, Dandelion Tea Towel

I love tea towels. In fact, I’ve been known to collect them when I travel. I think they make the best souvenirs and gifts. They can be both functional and beautiful. This easy craft uses simple household refuse, either a paper towel or toilet paper tube, to stamp whimsical dandelion heads on to a plain cotton tea towel.

I spied the idea to stamp dandelion heads on canvas to make art – like this tutorial. But I really wanted to make something that I could use in my kitchen this spring. And I love dandelions!

Dandelion tea towel 1

How to Make a Dandelion Tea Towel

First, gather the following materials:

  • Flour sack tea towels
  • Fabric paint
  • Toilet paper or paper towel tube
  • Scissors
  • Paint brushes (various sizes)
  • Water cup & paper plate for brushes & paint
  • Vinyl tablecloth or newspaper (to protect worksurface)
  • Iron & cloth rag (for setting the paint)
Dandelion tea towel materials

Second, protect your worksurface with a vinyl tablecloth or newspaper. Lay out a blank tea towel and find the rough center. This is where you will place the dandelion design.

Next, cut a length of tube that is about 3 in. Then, cut strips about 1-3/4 in. high and 1/4 in. wide. Press the cut parts up to create a round stamp. This creates the dandelion “fluff.”

Creating the TP tube stamp

Squirt a little fabric paint onto a paper plate. Now, use a larger paint brush to apply paint on the stamp.

Brushing paint on the tp tube

Be sure to work quickly, as the fabric paint seems to dry fast. Stamp as many dandelion heads as you please, although I personally think odd-numbered groupings of items are the most appealing.

Stamping the dandelions
Creating the first dandelion head
Stamping dandelions and adding details

Continue adding details to the dandelions. I added seeds, stems and blowing fluff to mine.

Next, allow the tea towel to dry for 24 hours. The paint that I purchased instructed that after 24 hours, to use a cool iron and a rag to set the paint in place.

Dandelion tea towel 2

Dandelion Muffins

Love dandelions like we do? Be sure to check out this previous post, where Barbara Baird whips up some delicious dandelion muffins.

dandelion muffins on a plate
  • About Jackie Richardson

    Jackie Baird Richardson is an interior designer, editor at The WON and avid junker. Watch for her design tips and occasional crafting ideas, bringing the outdoors indoors.


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