Rogue Preparedness explains her take on the pros and cons of making an investment in the purchase of a freeze dryer, in this featured post. Find out other useful tips for a prepper’s lifestyle by catching up on more posts from Morgan at Women’s Outdoor News.
There’s a lot of debate about whether a freeze dryer is truly worth it.
Let’s be clear: there is no right or wrong answer.
In the end, the decision to buy a freeze dryer is ultimately yours. Some people feel it’s best to buy freeze dried food and that’s good enough for them, while others find it an absolute necessity for their household.
Let’s go over the pros and cons of a freeze dryer:
You’ll have to decide whether the pros outweigh the cons. For me personally, none of the cons outweighed the pros.
The high price tag is an investment in my ability to preserve food for long periods of time for me and my family without relying on others.
The noise doesn’t bother any of us and it’s like white noise.
Our electricity was very high when we had it in AK because our electric company charged a lot, but in Texas, it’s very cheap to run.
I don’t mind that I can’t freeze dry some things, as most of the things that you can’t freeze dry, you can purchase commercially or they shelf stable as is. For instance, I don’t freeze dry butter, but I do buy powdered butter.
Continue reading, “Should You Buy a Freeze Dryer?” from Rogue Preparedness here.
Morgan lives in Texas with her husband, daughters and 2 dogs. She spends most of her time getting outdoors with her daughters, prepping for emergencies and disasters and teaching others how to be prepared. She also enjoys archery, hunting, fishing, firearms, hiking, camping, HAM, Jeeps and generally getting out and exploring life through epic adventures! View all posts by Morgan Rogue