Gal Gab: Becky Yackley, Mother and Competitor

Meet Becky Yackley: a mother, competitor and educator with a passion for learning and the great outdoors. I’m lucky enough to know Becky through my mom, and we’ve met quite a few times in the last few years. We exchanged chickens once and she even taught Mom, my sister and me how to dye fabrics with plant material. Becky is always fun to be around with her vibrant personality, and she’s capable, too. 

Becky has competed in numerous sports over the years, including Action Pistol, USPSA, IPSC, 3-Gun, biathlons and more. She currently holds the Ladies’ Metallic records for every event in the Bianchi Cup and has represented the United States in multiple sports around the world. She’s also written for several publications and currently writes for Winchester, the NRA, and The WON

Becky says her biggest passion is sharing the fulfillment of the outdoors with others. “I want others to feel as satisfied with their own resilience and capability as I do and to understand that it’s something attainable,” she writes. She loves it all, from the shooting sports and hunting to running and gardening. Read on to discover her answers to our six Gal Gab questions. 

yackley rough rider

1.   ​Describe a typical day in your work life:

My typical day is not very typical. The tasks always vary, based on what events we are preparing for or what work projects I have due to editors. 

A typical day involves some daily chores with animals outside and then time in the office, on the range, in the shop with guns … maybe some training time, but always time spent working on social media content for myself or brands I work with.  

This past year has involved a lot of balancing, or maybe better described as juggling, while caring for my elderly father with my sisters and trying to manage the rest of my jobs. 

2.   ​#1 piece of advice you would give other females who want to break into the industry?

My #1 piece of advice is get involved and do what you are passionate about. Most people in the firearm industry are amazing and down-to-earth. If there is something you are good at, interested in, or a place you see a “fit” for your talent, show up, work hard and be a positive force! There is work everywhere and brands appreciate work. 

3.   ​What motivates you?

I’m motivated by my family and wanting to share the excitement and interests we all share in firearms and shooting sports. It is so satisfying seeing young people enjoy and respect the power and ingenuity found in this industry. 

But, I’m also motivated by the deeply American story that has been created in this country by the mix of access to firearms, freedom of speech and other freedoms we enjoy.  As I’ve traveled the world with firearms, I’ve realized more deeply that people from around the world don’t just envy our ability to exercise our human rights, they also envy the very fact that we were born in a place with so much opportunity – not just opportunity to own and use guns.  And that’s the thing, this industry I’m passionate about is part of what’s shaped our country and the world. Now, that is motivating! 

4.   ​Most unexpected thing you’ve learned, while working in this industry?

I think that while many people consider guns and shooting to be a topic mostly interesting to men, there are honestly many more women behind brands than people know. There are women who have advanced their careers by being tenacious and determined and that’s really the same as you would see in any industry – hard work, true passion for what you do and the desire to share it with others will be what puts people, products and ideas ahead. 

I guess if I were to put my finger on something “unexpected,” it would be that so many within the industry are oblivious to the roles that women often play in a brand or product, or the marketing and “behind the scenes” work that is done. That’s everything from who handles imports and exports to who decides what areas are going to be worth investing time and money in. I have friends around the world whom I can reach out to with questions on legal and regulatory issues and often, it’s women who handle these aspects of a “male-dominated” market. It gives me a laugh every so often. 

5.   ​Favorite product in the outdoor or shooting market right now?

Favorite product in the outdoor market … that’s huge! I’ll narrow it to firearms related products. I really enjoy cleaning guns; we’re talking OCD-level actually gratifying sense of fulfillment in cleaning them.  And for that, some very simple things I enjoy are Tipton cleaning swabs because they’re all different sizes and I can get the groove an AR charging handle rides in, the inside of a slide, the feed ramp of my dirty pistol with some metal polish and on and on.  

People ask for “favorites” in the shooting sports industry all the time. And I believe that whatever I’m working with is my favorite, whether that’s a gun, a product, etc. My favorite “thing” found in the outdoors and shooting industry is honestly the sense of accomplishment that is waiting for those who want to apply some elbow grease and get dirty. 

6.   ​Let’s have some fun … what weapon would you use to battle a giant?

Battle a giant … hmm. Since giants are somewhat mythical, then I think my weapon could be as well. So, I’d take a Space Marine from 40K / Warhammer –Titus, to be exact. I’ve been listening to audiobooks on the “40K Universe” with my son, Sean, as we drive to events this year and it’s a fascinating blend of futuristic and historical ideas with so much “unofficial” creativity spanning decades. 

And if there actually were real giants to battle, I’d take a very large rifle, with very heavy projectiles and an optic so I could shoot from farther than the giant would like to run, and a very good spotter to call holds and wind! 

Visit Becky at her website, Becky Yackley.

  • About Anna

    "Anna" is a teenage girl who loves to write, read, and do just about anything artsy. She enjoys writing about nature crafts and her experiences while learning to hunt and cook wild game. Anna firmly believes that backyard chickens lay the best eggs and that spending time outside with her flock every morning will start the day off happily. She is extremely grateful to her best friend, who inspired her to really take writing seriously. You can find her lost in her latest idea or listening to her sister "Rose" read book quotes.


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