Announcing the Winners of the 2024 Songbird Art Contest!

Wildlife Forever, in partnership with the USDA Forest Service, is proud to announce the winners of the 4th annual Art of Conservation® Songbird Art Contest. This international competition celebrates the beauty of songbirds while raising awareness about their critical conservation needs.

Winners of the 2024 Songbird Art Contest Songbird Art Contest

This year’s contest saw nearly 3,000 entries from 36 countries and 41 U.S. states, making it the largest participation to date. Young artists selected one of five featured species—the American Goldfinch, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Cerulean Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, or Scissor-tailed Flycatcher—and submitted both an artistic rendition and a written piece inspired by their chosen bird. 

Three billion birds have been lost since 1970. Through the Art of Conservation program, young artists not only develop their creativity but also learn about the urgent need for songbird conservation,” said Veronica Mangio, Education and Marketing Manager at Wildlife Forever.

Participants were judged in four age categories: K-3rd grade, 4th-6th grade, 7th-9th grade, and 10th-12th grade. Within each U.S. state, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners were recognized, and 1st place international winners were also selected. State winners advanced to compete for national honors, evaluated by a panel of conservation professionals. In addition to 12 National Winners, special recognition include:

  • National Best of Show
  • International Best of Show
  • Art of Conservation Award
  • Smile Award

National honorees will be awarded prize packages from Wildlife Forever and our partner, AdventureKEEN.

View all the winners of the Songbird Art Contest here:

Love the Songbird Art Contest? Try Fish Art!

If you enjoyed the Songbird Art Contest, don’t miss the Fish Art Contest, another Art of Conservation program! Open to students worldwide, this contest challenges young artists to create fish-inspired artwork and writing.

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    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.