Hello, January. Last month, we bought Christmas gifts for our family and friends. Now it’s time to think about ourselves, and we’re considering the possibilities of what we might purchase with our income tax returns. We’ve shared many great products from our friends at AERO Precision and all the other companies under their umbrella. Feel free to use the following AERO Precision round-up to help you start your income tax return wish list and then learn how to use the products you purchase.
Aero Precision’s Solus line offers a custom-built gun experience in either an “out-of-the-box” or personal build format for shooting enthusiasts, competitive shooters and hunters. Becky Yackley takes a look at what makes the Aero Precision Solus Competition Bolt Action .308 WIN Action appealing and how it lives up to its marketing promises.
Read Becky’s review, “Aero Precision Solus Competition Bolt Action .308 WIN Action,” here.
When precision and reliability are paramount, a component that plays a crucial role is the barrel. Avery Skipalis delves into the features and advantages of adding a Ballistic Advantage drop-in pistol barrel to her GLOCK. She not only explains the benefits, but also shares how easy it is to install.
Read her article, “Ballistic Advantage GLOCK 19 PVD Barrel.”
Have you heard of Stag Arms SPCTRM series? SPCTRM is an acronym for Special Tactical Rifle Makeup. Becky Yackley shares the two types of AR consumers who should consider this rifle and also gives an in-depth review after spending time shooting it on the range.
Read more about the SPCTRM rifle in Becky’s article, “Stag Arms SPCTRM: Out-of-the-Box and onto the Range.”
Competitive shooter Becky Yackley is our expert when it comes to rifle and AR shooting. Her following articles from 2024 are informative resources for anyone shooting those platforms.
In her article “Why the Modern Matters in MSR,” Becky explains the significance of the term “modern sporting rifle” and why the ‘M’ is crucial in the acronym MSR.
Arm yourself with the knowledge and understanding of modern ARs here.
Should you build or buy an “out-of-the-box” Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR)? Read the pros and cons in this extensive list and make an educated decision for yourself.
Don’t discredit either option before you read Becky’s article, “AR Discussion: Built Vs. Bought.”
Whether you intend to use your AR for personal safety, hunting, or competition, knowing how to position yourself effectively for shooting is essential. Anyone can master the three basic, practical shooting positions with a rifle that Becky explains in her article, “Real-Life Rifle Positions Everyone Should Know.”
Grab your rifle, read Becky’s article and learn how important it is to know how to get into these positions.
So, are you inspired to purchase a new firearm in 2025? Start researching now so you’re ready when that income tax return arrives. Here are the links for the AERO family:
AERO Precision: https://www.aeroprecisionusa.com/
Stag Arms: https://www.stagarms.com/
Ballistic Advantage: https://www.ballisticadvantage.com/
Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore. View all posts by Michelle Cerino
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