Clever Gifts For the Reluctant Preppers in Your Life

Looking for a unique gift that can make a difference? Even if your loved ones aren’t avid preppers, there are plenty of subtle ways to introduce preparedness into their lives. By choosing practical and enjoyable gifts, you can encourage them to be a little more self-reliant without overwhelming them. Let’s explore gift ideas that are both thoughtful and functional, helping your loved ones be better prepared for life’s unexpected twists and turns.

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3 Considerations to Select Great Gifts for Reluctant Preppers

When choosing presents for people who don’t buy into prepping consider these things:

  1. The location of your recipients, including weather and likely challenges
  2. Their lifestyle, perhaps including skill level, experiences, or interests
  3. Any unique needs they have

When I did this exercise for my family members, I discovered that survival-minded gifts would look very different for each of them! Here’s what that looked like.

non-prepper-older-woman-receiving-gifts gifts for reluctant preppers

For my family in Texas

For this region, the weather is generally above freezing, but tornadoes are frequent. They also deal with heat and floods. The loss of electricity is a real possibility with any of these events. With several major cities in this state, civil unrest is also a potential issue.

For this gift, buy flashlights and extra batteries for power outages. Add enough canned food (with a can opener!) to last 2-3 days. Duct tape, plastic sheeting (it has SO many uses!), and hammer and nails might be useful in case of storm damage.

In this part of the country, most people don’t have basements, so storage is typically in a garage. Packing these items in a tub for the garage or a truck might be the best bet.


For kids, I would suggest packing something in each of these categories. (Pack something from each category in your own emergency kits!)

Continue reading, “Clever Gifts For the Reluctant Preppers in Your Life,” from The Survival Mom here.

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    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.