Pheasant Feathers – Not Just for Dusters

Days afield are both precious and memorable. For many, hunting has a natural progression to taxidermy on the wall. Antlers, feathers and fins provide memories that live on long after the tenderloins or fillets have disappeared. Shoulder mounts, turkey fans and classic upland bird scenes can be found in many a hunter’s home, office or trophy room. But, what about something a little more “off the wall?” Come with me to South Dakota, where we will explore ways that you can treasure your hunt beyond the four walls of your home or trophy room with pheasant feathers and more.

When I think of South Dakota, I think pheasants. Those beautiful long tails rising from the fields under incentive of a persistent dog – a cackle of laughter from that same pheasant when a now empty gun is lowered in temporary defeat. And, the look of utter disappointment when the dog turns around as if to ask, “What happened?”

Pheasant feathers

Canine judgement aside, for those times you do connect and that iconic bird is nestled safely in the game bag, what are some ways you can preserve those moments so that they may be remembered, perhaps cherished, for years to come? 

Home Décor – and More!

The first time I saw a pheasant, I felt absolutely wowed by the variety of colors present in one bird. From matte tan and grey to vibrant magenta, burnt orange and metallic turquoise and gold, the pheasant is a truly resplendent display of divine handiwork. 

Barand lodge

My first journey to South Dakota took place in 2017. I found myself at Olsen’s Pheasant Phun chasing that king of game birds and enjoying the magnificent hospitality found there.

On day two of my hunt, I connected with an absolutely magnificent rooster. I quit counting at 42 bars on his thick, luscious tail. I stopped at a local Wal-Mart on my drive home to purchase a salmon cooler large enough to accommodate my frozen feathered friend on my drive back to Michigan. The classic mount is hung above my bourbon decanter and humidor in my office. I am actually looking at it as I type this post.

woman hunter with pheasnt

Since then, I have returned to South Dakota a couple more times, as well as hunted local preserves. The meat is always a must-keep, but I have found myself keeping copious quantities of feathers from each excursion, as well. Here are some of the ways I have kept my hunt memories alive within my home and heart – and not just on the wall.

Pheasant Christmas tree topper

Holiday Décor

If you have children, you know that those shiny Christmas bulbs (before they came out with shatter proof) are irresistible toys for chubby fingers. Enter – feathers! Pheasant feathers are festive in color, delicate in structure and easy to work with, as well! With a little twine or craft wire and some imagination, you can create beautiful accents for your Christmas tree or holiday centerpieces. Pinterest abounds with ideas for crafting Christmas ornaments from pheasant feathers, too.

pheasant centerpiece

Flowers Die – but Feathers Are Forever

I like longevity and functionality in my home décor. I also don’t like to pick up flower petals off the floor – honestly the lab hair is plenty of vacuuming. But, I love softness in my space. Feathers! From vases and wreaths to subtle accents, pheasant feathers are both versatile and beautiful.  

Pheasant feathers in vase

Wear it Where You Can Enjoy It!

In addition to home décor, you can wear your hunt on your person in the form of natural feathered statement pieces. Sophie Stemler, owner of Field to Feather Designs, has been creating beautiful wearable hunt mementos since she was 10-years old. Sophie is now 19 and a second year pre-med student at a university in the West. 

Youth Market old
(Jodi Stemler photo)

In a recent conversation with Sophie, she shared that she has been enthralled with pheasant feathers from the time she was six years old, following her parents in the field carrying the successfully retrieved pheasants. From selling her early designs at a 4-H market to now retailing and direct selling her work across the country, Sophie has captured the essence of the hunt through beautiful and elegant jewelry. 

Pheasant Earring
(Sophie Stemler photo)

Not only is Sophie an incredibly accomplished hunter, she also has successfully operated Field to Feather Designs since 2019. Although college is consuming much of her time, she is still actively direct selling and retailing her designs nationwide. 

From Field to River

Another avenue for feathers is fly-tying. Pheasant feather patterns are very popular for the pursuit of various river fish and thus a coveted resource for fly fisherman across the country. My oldest son, Colton Bogard, began tying flies and selling them when he was 10-years old. He is now nearly 18 and has sold patterns to clients and outfitters around the world. 

Pheasant pattern on black background

The delicacy and beauty of a pheasant pattern firmly captured in the mouth of a hungry trout is truly a sight to behold. In many ways it is a layered memory – the pheasant hunt, the design and execution of that “just right” pattern with that hard won pheasant and then the moment of the strike when it all comes together on a rising trout.

Pheasant fly in vise

Colton is entering his senior year homeschooled and is completing his third season as a 1st Mate on a charter fishing boat in Northern Michigan.  You can follow his work on IG at @Colton_Bogard.

Classic Creativity

For many, nothing can replace that beautiful focal point on the wall. Whether antlers or upland icons, classic wall displays are truly a must-have. Rita Schimpff, owner of Heritage Game Mounts, takes timeless sporting elegance to an entirely new level. 

(Heritage Game Mounts photo)

Rita has combined a lifelong love of art with her equally enduring passion for hunting and the outdoors. Her intricately carved and produced panels may serve as the foundation for your treasured trophies and beckon forth dreams of hunts to come. These panels may be customized with personal touches – from family tartans to initials. 

Rita resides in Texas with her husband, Skip, and is the visionary, artist and soul of Heritage Game Mounts. As most small business owners know and can appreciate, she is also shipping, receiving, marketing and even, janitorial duties.

SD hunt
(Tom Carney photo)

Days Afield – Remembered

Each hunter has his or her own “why.” Whatever your reason for going afield, the memories of your time there are just as important as the actual moments in time. Whether a beautifully curated Thanksgiving centerpiece, a delicate pair of earrings, a lucky fly at the end of your leader or a classic upland bird scene on a carved panel, your hunt is a precious experience that deserves to be relived again and again. 

  • About Andrea Bogard

    Andrea Bogard’s love for the range began at 12 with competitive handgun and expanded to encompass sporting clays a few years later. She became an NSCA instructor at 18 years old and spent the next 18 years getting married and raising two sons, ages 17 and 9 currently. Andrea started hunting six years ago and learned to shoot a rifle and a bow. She is now 41, a full-time writer, homeschool mom and business owner and has hunted three countries, three continents and 19 states. Her sons and lab (Mr. Moose) are the focus of her world.