Gal Gab: Outdoor Writer and Mighty Mom Andrea “Andi” Bogard

The first thing you see on Andrea, also known as Andi, Bogard’s website is a banner that reads, “Andi DV8S.” Scroll down a little further and there’s a photo of Andi herself, perfectly poised on a reloading table that she built herself, looking ready for a night out with her glass of wine and chunky heels. As Andi says, “Deviation from the norm is my favorite path to progress,” based on Frank Zappa’s quote below.

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.” – Frank Zappa

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Andi started shooting competitive pistol bowling pin events at 12-years old, picked up a shotgun at 16 and went on to become the youngest certified NSCA Level One instructor at the time, at just 18, plus three months. She is published in multiple magazines, teaches shotgun fundamentals, loves to hunt and owns four businesses. Andi now writes fulltime and homeschools her two boys. If you’ve heard of her here at The WON, it’s due to her entertaining rifle reviews.

As Andi says, her focus is diverse. From multi-continental hunting to the fascinating labyrinth of ballistics, she loves it all. Subjects such as wildcat cartridges, new rifle builds, sporting clays adventures and big game hunting are just a few of the things that keep her excited and growing in the hunting and shooting realms. 

pheasant hunt

A few fun facts and highlights from Andi:

“Getting my first article published in ‘Dillon Precision’s Blue Press’ was a huge ‘Am I dreaming?’ moment!

“Designing and building my own reloading bench was a huge milestone for this very non-carpentry-centric girl!

“My Coastal brown bear hunt in Alaska was the second non-bird I had ever harvested! The first was a whitetail doe here in Northern Michigan.

“I was both a vegan and an anti-hunter in my late teens/early 20s. How things change!”

When not dreaming about new guns or ammunition innovations or enjoying the smell of freshly burnt gunpowder, you can find Andi in the kitchen cooking, baking, canning, butchering and packaging the various critters harvested throughout the year. Read on for her answers to our six Gal Gab questions.

Andrea Bogard with rifle in shop Andi Bogard

1.   Describe a typical day in your work life:

A typical day involves variety beyond measure and mandatory adaptation. I have been a professional photographer for 24 years, a mama for nearly 18 years, a homeschool mom for four years and a writer since mid-2020. 

Having worked from home for all but five years of my life, the lines between work and home are often blurred – if present at all. A typical day involves some combination of the following:

  • Cooking of first, second and third breakfast for one or both of my boys before 11 a.m. We then transition to lunch in some form. 
  • Early morning coffee with the dog (Mr. Moose) listening to some variety of music to get my mind focused on the day.
  • Return emails and go over my to-do list for the day (I keep a personal, professional and household list).
  • Make sure my youngest son’s school work for the day is laid out and in the appropriate order.
  • Make sure the kitchen and living spaces are clean and clutter free in order to facilitate optimum focus for myself and my youngest (neither of us function well in clutter). 
  • Write the day’s articles and organize visual support.
  • Edit and organize photos from recent shoots or jobs (this is a heavier percentage during our summer and fall wedding season).
  • Evaluate upcoming travel and arrange lesson plans. 
  • Take my youngest to tutoring twice per week at the Dyslexia Center. 
  • Make sure I am current on his scope and sequence of progress and trouble spots so our work at home parallels his tutoring content. 
  • Take care of necessary outdoor maintenance – mow, weed whip, grade the driveway, spray weeds and maintain the garden.
  • Make sure my oldest is tracking in school and eating and sleeping enough in addition to maintaining a rigorous job as a 1st mate on a charter boat.
  • Get range time in at least three-to-five days per week for both stories and skills. 
  • Attend at least one homeschool event per week and organize several playdates and activities in addition.

2.   #1 piece of advice you would give other females who want to break into the industry?

Find your passion and pursue it with excellence, integrity and confidence. Maintain a humble spirit and a teachable mind. We reflect what we project. If you aren’t achieving your desired goals, evaluate what you’re doing and adjust accordingly.

Woman hunting with dog Andi Bogard

3.   What motivates you?

Proficiency and self-sustainability. I am motivated by the insatiable desire to be proficient across a huge (and growing) spectrum of skills, activities and disciplines. I struggle with depending on others for my basic (and non-basic) needs. I seek skills and capabilities to help me achieve the things I need to for both myself and my boys.

4.   Most unexpected thing you’ve learned, while working in this industry?

That I love ballistics!!!  As a math midget, I never thought that ballistics would enthrall me as much as they do. I have also learned that the more I learn, the more I need to learn. I cherish each experience and the growth it brings. Comfort zones are NOT where growth occurs.

Andrea Bogard Dove Andi Bogard

5.   Favorite product in the outdoor or shooting market right now?

That would have to be the Revic BLR10b rangefinder/binocular. The low light capability is amazing.   

6.   Let’s have some fun … what weapon would you use to battle a giant?

This one makes me giggle … A smile and a .500/.416 Nitro Express. There are few situations in life that can’t be diffused or conquered with a smile … For those that can’t? Full send on a 500-416 NE from a Krieghoff Safari double rifle. #bringit

Visit Andrea Bogard at her website, Andi DV8S.

  • About Anna

    "Anna" is a teenage girl who loves to write, read, and do just about anything artsy. She enjoys writing about nature crafts and her experiences while learning to hunt and cook wild game. Anna firmly believes that backyard chickens lay the best eggs and that spending time outside with her flock every morning will start the day off happily. She is extremely grateful to her best friend, who inspired her to really take writing seriously. You can find her lost in her latest idea or listening to her sister "Rose" read book quotes.