As we age, setting goals and maintaining a strong mind are essential. In these four posts, Vera inspires us always to keep moving and looking forward despite our age, feelings of loss or significant setbacks.
Maintaining a Strong Mind
In her article “Twenty-Five Yards: Set Small Goals – For Shooting and Life,” Vera shares the story of her big accident during her training for the 2013 Bianchi Cup. She explains how she kept moving forward that day to get help and continued to move forward well after the accident.
I am a goal-oriented person. Goals keep me motivated and help my mind and my commitment to not waver from a task. I set goals regularly throughout my shooting career and for personal projects, as well.
Vera not only reminisces about how she used goal setting during her accident, but also at other times during her life, including downhill skiing and shooting. She explains how to use checkpoints to keep you motivated along the way.
Vera is not only an author but also an avid reader. In “Three Helpful Things to Make Your Dreams a Reality,” she shares books that inspire her to be more than she ever thought possible.
As we age, though, we add more wisdom to our treasure chest. And one of the things I learned as I aged was that I could have anything I wanted.
The three books Vera highlights in this post are “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” by William Arntz, Betsy Chase and Mark Vicente; “The Secret,” by Ronda Byrne and “Messages from Water,” by Masaru Emoto. She shares meaningful messages she learned from each book and may even inspire readers to purchase their own copies.
Vera didn’t grow up religious; however, in her article “My Faith In God,” Vera explains how turning to God helped her through a terrible crisis.
One day I decided to kneel down and pray to God. I started to notice that after my prayers, some small, good thing would happen around me. When life is as low as I was in those days, any gift of goodness – however small – can be so helpful to get you through the day.
Vera explains how she found prayer and learned to pray in this post. She also reminisces over the many little miracles and answered prayers she witnessed throughout her life. She inspires us to accept God’s plan and understand he will always be with us.
“Climbing Your Personal Mt. Everest” is one of my favorite pieces Vera wrote. I love how she compares goals to those seeking the challenge of climbing the mountain.
Yours does not have to stem from an athletic challenge. Maybe you have a professional peak you are striving for in your career path. Or there could be an Everest in your personal life, a perfect level of contentedness that you are climbing to reach.
In both her “Mount Everest” piece and the other above articles, Vera does an incredible job explaining why maintaining a strong mind and continually setting goals are important parts of her life. She also inspires us to do the same for ourselves.
Find all Vera’s posts here.
Visit Vera’s website here.
Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore. View all posts by Michelle Cerino