Girl Power Part 1: Meet the Women of AERO Precision

If you ask some people, “Who comes to mind when you think of the firearms industry?” They will respond, “White males with beards wearing either flannel, camo or black shirts.” Well, all that’s changing at AERO Precision, where girl power is strong. In part one of “Girl Power: Meet the Women of AERO Precision,” the ladies whose names begin with the letter “A” answer a few questions to help us get to know them better. 

Aero Precision PRO Series is built to meet and exceed the most demanding of conditions and give you the utmost confidence when using these parts.

Women of AERO


1 What is your position at AERO Precision? 

I have held every position in the armory, and now I’m the Armory Manager. I oversee the team that builds and packages all our complete builds, including the Complete Rifles: ARs and SOLUS, Complete Uppers and Complete Lowers. I promise you this team knows what they’re doing. I have the highest level of confidence in and appreciation for them. My team is incredible. They are the best in the business. They care about what they do and how they do it. 


2 Tell us about your firearms background.

I’ve been target shooting since I was a kiddo. I’m also into hunting big game in the Pacific Northwest (mostly archery until I got our Solus). My first job was at a retail gun counter when I was old enough. Then I thought, “Do you know what would be super rad? Building guns.” So, I applied at AERO while simultaneously getting an associate’s degree in Firearm Science and Technology and a couple of gunsmithing certifications. Four years later, here I am, managing the armory. I wouldn’t trade working in this industry for the world. Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life. 

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

Simple … the people that work here. The attention and care that goes into everything. What’s cool about this company, especially in this state, is the people who work with firearms work with them because they’re passionate about them. It isn’t just a job. It’s also a passion. I can promise you, without a doubt, that no matter what AERO Product you buy, care went into it at every step of the process. As a customer of numerous companies with similar products, not just an AERO Precision employee, I can testify to the quality of our product. We’re just better.  

4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.

solus-hunter-complete- website

Our SOLUS, which I own, is my favorite rifle, and that’s saying something. As soon as I finished building my 6.5 PRC, it shot like a 0.6 MOA right out of the gate. If that doesn’t get ya stoked, check your pulse. As far as building goes, the M4E1 Pro Rifles are the bee’s knees. Our team that designed this rifle truly outdid themselves. It’s so rad. My first time putting one together took maybe 15 minutes. 

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to purchase her first firearm? 

Do your research and know what works for you. Before you buy anything, go to a class and shoot. There are a ton of women’s classes and range days out there.

Guns are tools, but they’re also fun. Never be intimidated to ask questions. I’ve had and still sometimes look like a straight up silly goose. Don’t ever be intimidated. You have just as much a right to enjoy firearms and protect yourself as men do. I would love to help any of y’all out with questions and advice. I’m learning something every day, so we can learn together! 

PS. Husbands, please don’t buy your wife a pink gun just because it’s pink or a .22 because it’s a good size gun for a lady. Buy her something reliable, for crying out loud.

6 Do you have a favorite memory that involves firearms? 

Well, I’ve been around firearms and hunting my entire life so it’s tricky to pick one! I’ll have to say my favorite part about hunting/shooting is the confidence it brings me. Knowing I can protect and provide for myself and my family is a feeling like no other. I love the challenge that it brings me. It’s just a super cool community to be a part of because no matter how experienced you are, you will always meet someone you can learn from.


1 What is your position at AERO Precision? 

I am the Project Coordinator across our family of brands.  It’s a great umbrella term to cover everything I do between the departments.  There isn’t much I don’t have eyes on at any given time.  Our CFO described my position best when he said, “Aimee is like Red from The Shawshank Redemption. If you need something, anything at all, Aimee can get it for you.”  


2 Tell us about your firearms background.

I grew up around firearms! My dad was a city police officer, so I’ve had a healthy respect for firearms since before I can remember. As I got older, he would take me shooting and hunting when I was old enough. Despite all of this, I didn’t start working in the firearms industry until about three years ago.   

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

Our collaborative commitment to innovation sets us apart. Our teams constantly push to reach the bleeding edge of not just our products but also the manufacturing processes behind them. What this company achieves as a cohesive unit is nothing short of amazing.  

4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.

I ADORE the lever guns we are working on. Being from Wyoming, I love me some old West esthetic and AERO’s modern take on the lever gun is breathtaking. Beautiful form meets powerful function, I’m in love. 

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to get more involved in the shooting industry? 

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and do it. Find a local class or someone you know who shoots to help get you started. Ask questions, try everything, and find what you like. The firearms community wants to help you learn.    

6 Do you have a favorite memory that involves firearms?

This one is SO HARD. I’ve got so many memories of hunting with my family, teaching my girls to shoot and spending time on the range with my coworkers at crazy events. Every time, there has been an opportunity to learn something new, and that’s the best takeaway.  


1 What is your position at AERO Precision?

Social Media Manager. I manage an audience of over 1.5M passionate followers across all three brands (AERO, Stag, & BA). I love the crossover between creative freedom and data-driven results, and social media management provides the perfect balance between the two. Plus, who wouldn’t want to talk about guns on the internet all day? It’s a pretty sick gig if you ask me. I also get the biggest kick out of most of our audience assuming it’s a man running the accounts. If you follow us on socials … surprise!

Ali Aero

2 Tell us about your firearms background.

I grew up in Northwestern Montana, where firearms are a common life staple. I learned to shoot and basic firearm safety at a young age, and they’ve been a part of my life ever since!

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

Hands down, the people. I’ve learned so much about this industry from fellow members of our marketing team (which was predominantly male when I started). Never once did they make me feel inferior for being a female in a male-dominated industry. When you’re surrounded by people who care so deeply, it’s hard to lose. 

4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.

Aero PRecision lower

If you haven’t gotten your hands on one of our PRO Series lowers yet – you should. I’ve gone through my fair share of lowers, including machining my own. Our Product Dev/Engineering team seriously hit it out of the park with this one. Intuitive is an understatement. 

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to purchase her first firearm? 

If you’re purchasing your first firearm, don’t be afraid to ask heaps of questions! Women in this industry get it – we all had to start somewhere. We’re also built different from men, and that’s something important to consider! It’s important to configure your rifle so it’s comfortable for you, not your boyfriend, your husband or your dad. Women helping women, above all else.

6 Do you have a favorite memory that involves firearms? 

I grew up shooting all sorts of guns, but I’d never shot full auto until I entered this industry. Doing that on my first range day as a new marketing assistant was pretty epic!


1 What is your position at AERO Precision?

I am a social media coordinator. I work with our social media manager to run all the various social media accounts for AERO Precision, Ballistic Advantage, Stag Arms and VG6 Precision. Each brand has a different voice and a different audience, so we must take time to speak to each person and market the various products in a way that stays within each brand’s voice. 


2 Tell us about your firearms background.

I grew up in a very small town in Montana (population around 500 people). My father owns a larger property that backs up to the forest service, which allowed us to truly connect with untouched nature in a way that many are unable to do. We did not grow up very wealthy and relied on hunting as a primary food source every winter. Due to this, I would spend many hours with my father, hunting and processing the meat to be frozen and later used for meals.

3 What do you think sets AERO Precision apart from other companies? 

The people within the company — the people who make up AERO, Stag and Ballistic Advantage are an incredible group of people coming from so many diverse backgrounds and experiences. I have never felt so welcomed and supported and it is incredible to see all the blood, sweat and tears everyone puts into this company. The passion and drive to create the best products and to provide the best service set us apart from other companies. 

4 Tell us about your favorite AERO Precision product.


Lahars suppressors are something I wish everyone had easier access to. They help reduce noise levels so significantly that they can make a difference when it comes to protecting our hearing. We should not have to suffer long-term consequences later in life from the hobbies that we enjoy today, and Lahars help makes this possible. 

5 What advice would you give a woman wanting to get involved in the firearm industry? 

Do not be afraid to educate yourself and ask questions. There are a lot of resources out there and a lot of people willing to teach. The entire industry can be a little daunting from the outside, but once you take that step to join, you will see how welcoming and helpful everyone is. 

Watch for part two of “Girl Power” when I introduce you to even more women on the AERO Precision team soon. 

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.