How to Make a Get Home Bag – Ultimate Prepper Guide

I’ve made posts about how to put together a bug out bag and how to make a bag for others, I also wrote a guest post about how to make a bug out bag for kids, but I realized I had never made a post about how to make a get home bag.

Get home bag rogue

What is a get home bag?

A get home bag will be a bag that you ideally have with you when you’re out and about. If you’re ever stranded somewhere, you would use that bag and the contents inside to help you get home.

For the majority of us, our first priority would be to get home, instead of continuing further into the wilderness. If for nothing else than to get more supplies or to connect with your family or group.

Sometimes I also use my get home bag as an EDC bag so I’m always using the items inside and replacing regularly.

Usually a get home bag would help to get you through a 24-ish hour period. The point of a get home bag is to help you get from point A to point B as quickly as possible with little to no stops.

When would you ever need a get home bag?

Here are some potential scenarios in which you may need to use your get home bag:

  • Something has happened and you need to evacuate from work, but unable to use vehicle
  • Vehicle not working, can’t get help
  • EMP, but you need to get home first
  • Roads are impassable, but you need to get home to meet your family

In many of these scenarios you’ll notice that I mentioned a motor vehicle. However, when it comes to getting home, you may want to plan for an alternative mode of transportation such as roller blades, bicycle or if you’re so inclined, a skateboard.

As with most things that preppers do, we plan for the worst case scenario.

One time I had to use my get home bag instead of my bug out bag to evacuate from the RV because a tornado was approaching the area and we needed to head to the park bathrooms. At that exact moment with minutes to make a decision, the get home bag was the most accessible.

Continue reading, “How to Make a Get Home Bag – Ultimate Prepper Guide” from Rogue Preparedness here.

  • About Morgan Rogue

    Morgan lives in Texas with her husband, daughters and 2 dogs. She spends most of her time getting outdoors with her daughters, prepping for emergencies and disasters and teaching others how to be prepared. She also enjoys archery, hunting, fishing, firearms, hiking, camping, HAM, Jeeps and generally getting out and exploring life through epic adventures!