Revisited: Understanding Youth Mental Health and Teen Suicide

Kids and teens are back in school and while this does mark a time when they’re dusting off scholastic cobwebs and wrapping textbooks in grocery bag paper (a diminishing art discipline), this doesn’t mean that every child’s closing summer was a time of peace and reflection. September is Suicide Awareness Month but our responsibility and potential impact are lifelong.

Sponsored by Project ChildSafe and The NSSF

According to the CDC, “Each year, more than 41,000 individuals die by suicide, leaving behind friends and family members to navigate the tragedy of their loss.” And in the true nature of those that are genuine friends, family, protectors and providers, they’re best armed with knowledge and resources as they slide into the trenches with their loved ones. 

The WON’s own, Michelle Cerino, captures a snapshot of these ongoing and devastating issues of mental health and suicide and simultaneously highlights the preventative safety efforts of individuals and business entities alike.  

Provided links to resources consist of a downloadable guide, information on mental health and how to recognize some of the tell-tale signs of struggle and destructive ideations. Carefully review Michelle’s article on youth mental health and teen suicide and monitor your loved ones around you for some of the signs of struggle and retreat. Be the intervention. ~IBR

NSSF Understanding Youth Mental Health and Teen Suicide

Understanding Youth Mental Health and Teen Suicide

Available on the Project ChildSafe website, a downloadable guide offers many different resources for parents concerned about their child’s risk of suicide. It includes information on mental health, how to recognize if a child needs help and what to do if warning signs for suicide are present.

The online guide is broken down in to 3 sections or steps: 

1. Identify the warning signs that indicate a child may be struggling with mental health and/or having suicidal thoughts.

2. Understand how to respond (versus react) to these warning signs.

3. Create a safe home environment that prevents access to lethal means. 

View the original post here. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the NSSF’s important program, Project ChildSafe

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.