Revisited: Firearm Conversations to have before a Kid’s Play Date

Trust and faith in others and institutions are critical components to navigating safely through life and relationships. It is so flawlessly woven into our daily interactions that its necessity is rarely open to interpretation. How people exercise that trust and faith, particularly in others, is often the minutia that delineates between those that embrace risk and those that shirk from it. Add children into the equation and the matter becomes evermore important and complex. While, as parents, we rarely expect perfect conditions in the interest of challenging and maturing our smallest loves ones, we do expect that in the game of life, the conditions are always safely such that they are allowed to play, indefinitely. Children love the comfort of our familiar homes but are naturally curious about the homes of their friends. Though we embrace others’ similar interest in firearms and the pleasure they bring, it is incumbent on parents to discern proper safety practices, such as usage of safes, locks and proper ammunition storage. This can be done by knowing the right questions to ask during firearm conversations with other parents.

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Ali Juten has taken up the mantle of addressing one of the most critical firearm conversations that can be had between parental homes on safe firearm storage and practices. In a time of evolving ideas on child oversight, parents, like Ali (and perhaps yourself), are tasked with the conundrum of old versus new and the various hues of agreement that are established on what acceptable parenting looks like; marry this with the art of social graces, and having a productive discussion with another parent can appear daunting. Ali’s fast steps to probing for information related to firearm safety and habits while keeping the conversation light and focused are a much-appreciated handrail in making smart and confident choices when establishing the quality of care your child will have at, say, a friend or relative’s home. This month we revisit Ali’s video for Project Childsafe regarding this very subject. ~IBR

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Important Firearm Conversations

Below is an excerpt from Ali Juten’s original post on the subject of important firearm conversations to have to keep you kids safe on a play date. Keep reading to find out more.

As a mom-to-be, Ali Juten has her hands full exploring all she can about firearm safety and becoming a parent. It’s hard to imagine that her new baby will ever be without her, let alone at a sleepover but, it is inevitable. Someday, Baby Juten will spend time at her friend’s house, in the care of other adults. Before that happens, though, there are a few things to discuss with the friend’s parents in regard to firearm safety in their homes. 

Kids are naturally curious, especially about firearms. That’s why it is important to make sure they understand the safety guidelines in your home, and at friends’ houses. In this video, Ali asks her sister and brother-in-law about how they handle conversations with their kids’ parents about firearms in their homes. Even though both of their kids have grown up around firearms and completed firearms safety courses, reinforcing safety often is vital.  Also, you can never assume that other kids have knowledge about firearms.

Firearm Conversations from Veteran Parents

1. Make sure to meet the parents and get to know them before allowing your kids to play in their home.

2. Listen for clues that the parents are firearms owners, e.g. references to hunting, animal mounts in the home, military member, etc. This will be a good icebreaker to start the conversation. 

3. If they own firearms, make sure you ask if they are being stored in a locked safe.

4. Even if you feel that your kids are educated about firearms, it is important to reinforce safety often.

5. Be sure that you’re storing firearms properly in your own home. Keep your own firearms unloaded in a locked safe with the ammo stored separately.

6. Don’t allow your kids and their friends to play around the safe and make sure the other parents are on the same page.

View the original post here. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the NSSF’s important program Project ChildSafe.

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    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.