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Concealed Carry Tips

Women’s Outdoor News and Avery Skipalis bring you a quick video sharing concealed carry tips to help you along your journey.

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Your personal protection journey is your own personal journey and no one can make you do anything. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for personal protection. Therefore, you must find ways to make concealed carry fit into your lifestyle.

GLOCK Pistols 

The most popular GLOCK models for concealed carry among men and women are: the GLOCK 19, GLOCK 43, GLOCK 43X and GLOCK 26. When you’re selecting a firearm for concealed carry you should be able to handle the firearm comfortably. 

Holster should cover trigger guard
Holster should cover trigger guard


In the personal defense world Kydex holsters are extremely popular due to their durability and retention. They’re available for both inside and outside the waistband. Depending on the clip your holster is equipped with, you may be required to wear a belt to secure the holster to your body. Your holster is an essential accessory for your firearm. When searching for a holster you should look for these three qualities:

Holsters should have good retention and secure your firearm
Holsters should have good retention and secure your firearm

1. It should cover your trigger guard. 

2. It should secure your firearm. 

3. It should allow access to your firearm reliably.

Wardrobe Architect conceal carry belt


A quality belt is necessary because it’s needed to secure the firearm to your body and support the additional weight of your firearm and holster. Which belt you choose depends largely on your personal style and budget.

Avery Skipalis shooting GLOCK 43X

Applying These Tips

Hopefully, this article provided a few concealed carry tips to help you safely carry your firearm for personal protection. Once you’ve selected your ideal accessories try using them around the house while doing routine things like sitting on the couch, sweeping or bending down and grabbing things from a lower cabinet. Want more information? Be sure to review a previous article where I covered this topic in more detail. 

  • About Avery Skipalis

    Avery Skipalis is the owner of Skip’s Tactical Solutions, an organization that focuses on empowering women, men and children to make sure that no one else becomes a victim. She gained her firearms experience from the military where she’s been a military firearms instructor for 10.5 years. She’s also a certified NRA rifle and pistol instructor and Glock Advanced Armorer since 2015. She’s attended Sig Sauer Academy, FNH, Special Operations Command Armorers courses as well as multiple Advanced Shooting Schools across the United States. She resides in Florida with her husband and 2 kids. She’s currently serving in the United States Air Force and loves sharing her passion with others. She thinks it’s important that women also feel like they’re in control of their own safety.