Taurus G2 and G3 Series – Perfect for Dry Fire Practice

Did you know that the Taurus G2 and G3 handgun series are not only great little carry guns, but also, they are also perfect for dry fire practice?

Tauraus GX4XL Pistols Longer slide adds 1 inch of length when compared to the GX4—increasing muzzle velocity and sight radius, making it easier to maintain accuracy.

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Dry fire is an essential element to keep up your shooting skills. It’s cheap and easy to do at home. Simply racking your slide and pulling the trigger each time is a basic exercise. Adding drills – such as putting a penny on your front sight and try to keep it from moving when you pull the trigger will help you with trigger control. 

Taurus G2 MantisX Laser Academy dry fire
(Josh Keaton photo)

However, let’s face it – it can be monotonous and annoying to rack the slide between every pull of the trigger. You might need to change it up to keep it interesting or you won’t keep practicing.

There are several ways to add an element of fun, and if you have the Taurus G2 or G3, you have the perfect gun for exciting dry fire practice. This is because the G2 and G3 series have “restrike capability.” You do not have to rack the slide between each pull of the trigger. So first off, you can simply dry fire all day long by pulling the trigger over and over. 

But maybe you want to add more fun to your practice. 

Taurus G2 Laser Ammo Smokeless Range dry fire
(Josh Keaton photo)

I have a few different methods to practice dry fire, such as the Mantis system, which I love because I can set everything up and grab my SIRT gun for quick practice for even a few minutes, several times a day, every time I walk into the room. I also have the Laser Ammo Smokeless Range Simulator. It takes a little longer to set up, but then it’s great for tons of fun after Sunday dinner when our son and his fiancé are over.

With the Smokeless Range, we take turns using the SIRT gun and competing against each other just by trying to beat each other’s time on the various stages. There is an option to shoot against each other with the Dueling Tree, but we weren’t able to do that – until I heard a rumor.

I heard that the Taurus G2 would work with some lasers and didn’t have to be racked between every shot.

My husband has the G2C and so we tried the MantisX laser in it – and it worked! Then we tried it in my son’s new G3 and it worked in that one as well! (You can also purchase other lasers, but make sure to verify they will work with the systems before you buy.)

Family Fun Taurus G3 Smokeless Range
Terralyn Warren and fiancé, Josh Keaton compete against each other with the SIRT and Taurus G3. (Nancy Keaton photo)

This was a very exciting discovery for us and boy, did it add a fun element to the game. We all took turns challenging each other on the Dueling Tree again and again. Sunday dinners just became a ton of fun.

Along with the entertainment of competition, this set-up gives you the opportunity to dry fire and practice in a great way with the gun that you carry daily for self-defense. You get to practice and improve drawing your firearm and feeling that trigger pull and hitting a target – all important skills should you ever need to use them.

You might be wondering how you would use the MantisX system with the Taurus G2 since the G2 doesn’t have a picatinny rail. Not to worry, MantisX has you covered with a couple of different options:

  1. You can buy a Borerail Picatinny Rail Adapter Set from MantisX, which goes into the barrel of the firearm and has the Picatinny rail for the Mantis.


  1. You can purchase a Flush Base Plate so that you have a magazine with a flat bottom and then you get the Magrail Universal Magazine Floor Plate Rail Adapter from MantisX that attaches to the bottom of the base plate to create a Picatinny rail that will then hold the system. 

Both options are quick and easy solutions to using MantisX with your Taurus G2.

Taurus G2 Taurus G3 dry fire
(Josh Keaton photo)

The prices for the Taurus G2 and G3 are so reasonable that it makes economic sense to purchase one not only for concealed carry, but also for the dual purpose of getting a laser and practicing dry fire in a way that is entertaining as well as essential to your shooting skills.

MSRP for the G2C we used is $299.99

Other models range from $289.00 to $319.00

MSRP for the G3 we used is $339.00

Other models range from $339.00 to $589.00 

Take a look around though, you can find some great deals on prices for these Taurus firearms, both online as well as in stores.

  • About Nancy Keaton

    Nancy Keaton is the Facilitator for the Waco Chapter of A Girl and A Gun Women’s Shooting League. She formerly shot in IDPA, ASI and 3 Gun matches, was the president of Centralia Rifle Club in Centralia, WA, and is a retired college administrator. Her work has appeared in multiple publications and online. Check them out on her website and on Muckrack.