13 Food Storage Resolutions for the New Year

This post from The Survival Mom is a great thought-starter for ramping up your pantry goals in the new year. Happy reading! ~ The Editors

Happy New Year from the Survival Mom Team! It’s that time of the year when people choose health, fitness, money, or organization goals. However, have you thought of adding some food storage resolutions?

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Storing food, say a month or two’s worth, used to be the habit of a fringe group of Doomers. Now everyday moms like me have an extra stash of food set away for those “just in case” events. We know it’s not just the natural disasters that can affect our families. It could be job loss, long-term illness, or any other number of things.

After working on my own food storage pantry for more than 10 years now, I’ve learned a lot and am ready to pass my best insights on to you.

Food storage resolutions for the new year

13 New Year’s Food Storage Resolutions

Take a look at this list of goals to help you improve and refine your food storage practices and pantry.

1. Don’t let “perfect” get in the way of “it’s good enough.”

You don’t need freeze-dried food to have a decent food storage pantry. Canned food, lots of cans!, will do just fine. Stay focused on stocking up on shelf-stable food your family will eat and stay within your budget.

2.  Do your best to protect stored food from the enemies of food storage.

All of these will cause your food to deteriorate more quickly: heat, humidity, pests, oxygen, light, and time. Heat is the worst enemy of all, so do everything you can to store the bulk of your food in the coolest part of the house.

Read more about the enemies of stored food. By the way, these enemies affect food in emergency kits, too.

3.  Try a few new varieties of food from companies like Thrive Life.

However, when you start, buy the smallest containers possible for a taste test. With each purchase, check for flavor and fresh-looking color. Then use that food in multiple ways to see if it’s a good fit for you.

My family loves freeze-dried corn, and I buy it, knowing that we can use it in chowders, stew, my Mexican rice recipe, and a whole lot more. The more versatile a food is, the more value it has.

Continue reading, “13 Food Storage Resolutions for the New Year” from The Survival Mom here.

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    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.