Catching up with Ruger’s Kristy Titus

Ruger sponsored shooter, Kristy Titus, is a busy outdoorswoman, podcaster, YouTuber, producer, and more, with so much going on that she was recently nominated for the “Woman of the Gun Award” at SHOT Show. This award is given by Project ChildSafe to a woman who promotes gun safety and believes in this stellar program. We wanted to catch up with her to find out all that she has been doing that earned her that nomination.

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What have you been doing this past year, what are some of your highlights?

I got married February 24 so we’re about to celebrate our one-year anniversary!

I also competed in the National Rifle League (NRL) Hunter and NRL Series and that’s been a ton of fun for me. I won Top Lady at the Nightforce Snake River Outdoorsman match in May of last year, shooting the Ruger Precision Rifle, which was a tremendous honor, and the first time I’ve ever done that. 

Ruger Sponsored Shooter Kristy Titus

My husband and I traveled to South Africa to hunt and we were able to donate meat to a local orphanage. Those communities were really impacted by Covid because the lack of hunting tourism affected their economy and also their supply chain for fresh meat. So, to be able to contribute to that was very profound.

I co-hosted The Well Armed Woman (TWAW) Leadership conference, which was so much fun. There are 500 chapters across the country and the leaders all came together for training and I taught a precision rifle shooting seminar. 

Kristy Titus Harvest

I understand you’re getting ready to move to Wyoming. How did that come about?

I went to the Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt and it was such a remarkable community. The women were so supportive of each other. The governor, Mark Gordon, and his wife, Jennie, were incredible; they were at the event every night, which lasted two-and-a-half days. There were about 45 wonderful women attended the event, one of which was a Ruger scholarship recipient. The outreach of the State of Wyoming, the support for the hunting community and the shooting community, and for our Second Amendment rights was amazing. I came home and asked my husband, “Why are we not living in this state that loves us and our lifestyle as much as we do?” So, at that point we started looking at Wyoming. There’s really just no negative to living there. 

I also appreciate that Governor Gordon has done some incredible things for the Second Amendment in Wyoming. Number one, they’re a Second Amendment Sanctuary state. He did that before it was cool. He also signed legislation that prevents businesses from discriminating against gun companies, manufacturers and shooters. To me that is very important at this point with everything going on in the world. Governor Gordon also attended SHOT Show and was part of the governors’ panel talking about some of the policies they’ve implemented in Wyoming. 

Kristy Titus Hunter

Speaking of SHOT Show, how do you feel about being nominated for the “Woman of the Gun Award” at SHOT Show?

Oh, what an honor! I had no idea, I was completely taken aback. It left me speechless, it was incredible. There are so many wonderful women who are supporting the Second Amendment and firearm safety. I started with just this little YouTube channel and to have it recognized is very meaningful.

Tell us more about your YouTube channel and your new podcast.

The channel is called “Pursue the Wild” and we’re filming our sixth season this year. It has episodes in shooting sports and hunting big game. I have a second series called, “Tips from the Wild.” It has tips and tactics and how-to information. I’ve talked about safe firearm storage, I’ve collaborated with Girls With Guns, I’ve done a lot of pistol and rifle training, pre-hunting season rifle training, how to mount rifle scope, fun tips like that where people can access the information at home to be more empowered to participate in the shooting sports. And we’re now airing on CarbonTV.

Earlier last year I started the “Wild and Uncut” podcast. When I co-hosted TWAW Leadership Conference, I created quite a few podcasts at that event to support the Second Amendment and the lifestyle, and highlighting the different women who are doing incredible things in the firearms industry. 

Kristy Titus Ruger Sponsored Shooter

What are you planning this year? 

We’re going to focus on public land hunting and going to shoot some matches this spring. Other than that, I don’t know, my life is so in the air right now. But of course, hopefully getting moved to Wyoming. 

You can keep up with Kristy Titus and her busy schedule by following her on all social media @KristyTitus and

Note: Check out this link to see Kristy Titus shooting the amazing Ruger Precision rifle.

  • About Nancy Keaton

    Nancy Keaton is a retired college administrator, president of her local gun club, competitive shooter and freelance writer whose work has appeared in A Girl and A Gun Women’s Shooting League, "American Shooting Journal," "American Concealed," "Northwest Meetings + Events," and other publications. She enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics and interviewing ordinary people doing amazing things. To see a compilation of her writing, check out her website at