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What’s Behind LBAA and Why a Ladies Tour Was Formed

This is a look at why the Lady Bass Anglers Association (LBAA) began. Check out this evergreen blog post from its website, and don’t forget that bass tourney season is right around the corner!

Lady Bass Anglers Association logo LBAA

Who We Are

We are a group of women who wish to band together to reach our shared dream of having a professional tournament trail that…Meets our need to bond with other like minded women; Provides the opportunity for us to earn a reasonable return on our financial investments; Understands where our financial obligations lie; and Allows us to provide our sponsors with a positive return on their investment.

Mission: To provide women with an opportunity to fish professionally, to grow the sport of bass fishing and to build a program that will allow future generations of young ladies with more opportunities to compete in the sport of bass fishing.

Sherry Jacks LBAA
Sherry Jacks LBAA

Secret York, one of the co-founders of LBAA made some very valid, important points.
First a few facts about Secret. She has been participating in a women’s trail since 1994. For 2019, Secret received the “Angler of the Year Award” for LBAA.

  • First point Secret makes is, “It’s not about the “high dollars” lady anglers have been receiving. Anyone that competes in bass tournaments understands that in most cases, more money is spent than an angler has a chance to recoup in tournament wins.” 
  • So you might be asking why a ladies tour? Or why anyone competes in a tournament? Both are good questions and maybe these thoughts that Secret shared will help you understand how nice it is to have a ladies tour. 
    • “Promoting fishing and growing ladies participation in the sport.” Today, statistics show that ladies are a growing population of anglers and a significant group to market to.
Pam Martin-Wells LBAA
Pam Martin-Wells LBAA

Continue reading, What’s Behind LBAA and Why a Ladies Tour was Formed at the Lady Bass Anglers Association website’s blog here.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.