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42 Must-Have Food Pantry Items Preppers Should Stockpile

How much food do you keep in your pantry? Would you have enough if there was an emergency or disaster? Do you even know what to buy? Rogue Preparedness made a list of 42 must-have food pantry items that everyone should stockpile. ~MC

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If you’re getting prepared for an emergency or disaster, I’d say food is one of the first things you should be stocking up on.

While this is a list of food items to stockpile, it’s important to keep in mind that water must also be stockpiled. Rice uses water. Dried beans uses water. You need water for hygiene, drinking, cleaning and eating purposes.

42 Must-Have Food Pantry Items Preppers Should Stockpile

So don’t forget the water!

I always recommend at least 2 gallons of water per person, per day.

One last tip, many of these items will need to be stored properly in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. For instance, if you buy a bag of flour, transfer it to a mylar bag with an oxygen absorber.

In general, these items will be great for everyday uses, as well as emergency purposes.

Let’s get right to it then!


Here are 42 must have food items for your pantry:

  1. White rice (can store brown, but it will go rancid quicker)
  2. Dry/canned/boxed pasta
  3. Dried beans, lentils, quinoa
  4. Oil (such as olive oil)
  5. Flour (white or wheat)
  6. Sugar; white, brown and powdered
  7. Cocoa powder
  8. Protein powder
  9. Raw honey
  10. Raw maple syrup
  11. Tomato sauce, paste, chunks, etc.
  12. Canned meats; tuna, chicken, turkey, roast beef, spam, etc.
  13. Canned vegetables; corn, carrots, green beans, etc.
  14. Canned beans (uses less resources than dried beans, nice to have around)
  15. Baking soda
  16. Baking powder
  17. Spices; salt, pepper, garlic powder, etc.
  18. Canned fruits; peaches, pears, etc.
  19. Drink mixes; coffee, tea, tang, protein powder, lemonade, electrolytes, etc.
  20. Powdered milk and buttermilk
  21. Just add water pancake mix

Continue reading, 42 Must Have Food Pantry Items Preppers Should Stockpile, from Rogue Preparedness here.

  • About Morgan Rogue

    Morgan lives in Texas with her husband, daughters and 2 dogs. She spends most of her time getting outdoors with her daughters, prepping for emergencies and disasters and teaching others how to be prepared. She also enjoys archery, hunting, fishing, firearms, hiking, camping, HAM, Jeeps and generally getting out and exploring life through epic adventures!