I am not normally an off-body carry kind of woman, but there have been a few rare times that I do need to store my firearm in my handbag. As of late, it has been difficult to get a hold of a physical handbag to ensure it would meet all my needs. Merchants and/or manufacturers are sold out. Gun Tote’n Mamas (GTM) offers beautiful, concealed carry handbags that are inspired and designed by women. They also have Find-A-Bag, which toll free number to call to track down an out-of-stock bag.
In addition to helping find inventory during this time when in stock items are so fleeting, GTM produces bags that are eloquently designed. So much so, in fact, that they appear to be nothing more than normal, feminine handbags – but, still function as concealed carry bags that range in size from compact to full-size firearm carry.
I want specific functionality for my first concealed carry tote, including the following necessities:
After speaking with GTM, I decided to give the Oversized Leather RFID Travel Tote GTM-107 (MSRP $199.95) a try.
Here are few descriptive features listed at GTM’s website that sealed the deal for me:
I have regularly used this travel tote since February 2021 and it is barely showing any sign of wear. I have carried the tote to the gun range, meetings and conferences with approved concealed carry environment, traveling and on errands. So, let’s take a closer look at the features of this tote.
Both internal and external pockets are deep. The external concealing firearm compartment will actually hold up to a full-size Sig p320. The bag comes with a soft-sided Velcro holster and an optional, miniature D-ring to utilize a mini lock.
It has been designed with two internal zippered pockets; one is dedicated to RFID. Plus, five open pockets hold a multitude of different items.
Pros of the GTM Concealed Carry Tote
*Be mindful of your draw position when ordering a holster. If you are left-handed you might want to consider ordering a right-handed holster and the reverse if you are right-handed.
Cons of the GTM Concealed Carry Tote
Aesthetically, I love how feminine and professional it looks, without obviously appearing like a concealed carry bag. I am looking forward to using this tote for many years! GTM placed a lot of consideration into designing this tote, and I am eagerly awaiting future designs from this company.
Read more about GTM’s Oversized Leather RFID Travel Tote GTM-107 here.
Sharenda Birts is the Director of Community Affairs and one of the 4 founding members of wildHERness, a diverse group of outdoorswomen passionate about providing females with a connection to the outdoors through workshops, events, mentoring and community service. Her passion for the outdoors began when she began to learn how to safely handle a firearm and clean it. She does not come from a family background of firearms or outdoorsman and did not have any exposure to the outdoors until she joined a sporting clays league that persuaded her to attend a pheasant hunt. Although Sharenda is a new hunter, she is passionate about sharing her adventures to inspire other city born-and-raised minority women – with the message that they, too, can learn how to explore the outdoors, no matter what their ages. Sharenda is an NRA certified pistol, shotgun, and metallic cartridge reloading instructor who comes from a background with 25 years in the banking and equity investment industry. She also admits to being addicted to clay sports, along with upland and waterfowl hunting. Sharenda’s gearing up for angling and fly-tying in the near future. View all posts by Sharenda Birts