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Why You Should Do the FBI Bullseye Course of Fire

I belong to the Sunshine Shooting Club. Fortunately, we shoot outdoors on a range, which means that we didn’t have to stop shooting during the pandemic. With ammo shortages affecting our training, we have been honing our dry fire skills and practicing for the FBI Bullseye Course of Fire.

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Why the FBI Bullseye Course of Fire?

Our trainer, Mike Ross, who is former law enforcement and a seasoned firearms trainer, likes this test for these reasons:

  1. “It’s a real mark of excellence. Instructors for the FBI must qualify by passing this test with 260/300.” 
  2. The more accurately you can shoot, the better you’ll be at defensive shooting.
  3. It doesn’t take as much ammo.
Babbs with Scorpion
Here I am, shooting the Volquartsen Scorpion with a SilencerCo Sparrow 22 suppressor.

Here’s how it works: The course consists of three stages. Out of 300 points, you must score 260 to pass. If you decide to shoot it one-handed, you can pass with a score of 240. 

That target is the FBI bullseye training target. You can purchase them from Amazon and other places, or print off your own here.

The Stages

Stage 1: Shot from 25 yards, 10 rounds and get this – a four minute par time, with a reload after five rounds. You can take your time. You’ll need to get 80 out of 100 points to pass.

25 yards FBI Bullseye Test

Stage 2: Shot from 15 yards. There are two strings to this one, of five rounds each and a 15 second PAR time per string. That’s faster than Stage 1 by a lot, but not so fast that you can’t still take some time to make accurate shots. 

FBI Bullseye test target 15 yards

Stage 3: Same thing as stage two (15 yards), except the PAR time is now 10 seconds. You’ll use two magazines with five rounds each at 15 yards.

FBI Bullseye target at 10

You don’t need to draw from a holster. You just shoot from the “ready.” 

I have been practicing for the bullseye exam with my Volquartsen Scorpion coupled with a Sparrow 22 silencer from SilencerCo. I have gobs of .22 ammo, so that’s one reason. The other reason is that I can suppress the shots, reduce the recoil and really focus on my fundamentals when I use this combo.

Volquarsten Scorpion with Sparrow 22
Volquarsten Scorpion with Sparrow 22

When it comes down to shooting and self-defense, slowing down and aiming small can produce the results you’re looking for, and will give you confidence in your shooting abilities. 

  • About Barbara Baird

    Publisher/Editor Barbara Baird is a freelance writer in hunting, shooting and outdoor markets. Her bylines are found at several top hunting and shooting publications. She also is a travel writer, and you can follow her at