Becky Yackley and Jennifer Blake: Crimson Trace Sponsored Shooters

We’re excited to begin a new partnership with Crimson Trace. To get things started, we decided to interview two of its female sponsored shooters for 2021: Becky Yackley and Jennifer Blake. Find out more about them and their plans for the rest of 2021.

Crimson Trace is a manufacturer dedicated to producing the highest quality laser sights, tactical lights, electronic sights, and riflescopes for your pistols, rifles, and shotguns.

Sponsored by Crimson Trace

Becky Yackley

We want to know more about you. Give us your elevator pitch.

I’m a mother to three sons, wife of a US Marine and police officer. I compete across several shooting disciplines (USPSA, IPSC, 3 Gun, Bianchi) and have represented the USA in IPSC and USPSA competitions around the world. I manage social media and create content with different brands, as well as blog and write. Currently I contribute to NRA Women.  

Yackley Crimson_Trace_RAD_Launch_Competition_The_Site_April_2021-23

What are some of your plans for the rest of 2021?

Plans for 2021 include making up for a lot of the events that were cancelled in 2020. From world shoots to classes we had lined up to teach internationally — we’re planning to make them all up. I also earned a slot for IPSC Pan-American handgun and plan on shooting a few other big pistol matches, in addition to 3 Gun and a few long range events. 

On a personal level, we’re trying to make up for three months the military prohibited my husband from traveling home last year. We have projects around our home and range that we had to put on hold. Also, I’m working on a big garden.

Tell us about your favorite Crimson Trace product. 

We shot Crimson Trace’s new RAD (Rapid Aiming Dot) during filming for its launch. The clarity, field of view and shake-to-wake function are amazing. I can’t wait to get them on our guns!

Yackley Crimson Trace

Where can people find you on social media?


Instagram: @beckyyackley 

NRA Women’s blog here.  

Winchester’s blog here.

And Women’s Outdoor News in pieces I wrote for them. 

The Won congratulates Becky Yackley on her recent first place lady finish at the Bianchi Cup in Columbia, Missouri. 

Jennifer Blake

We want to know more about you. Give us your elevator pitch.

I’m an Ohio Concealed Carry Instructor at my own five-acre range. During the summer months I also run a kayak livery in southern Ohio. I love the shooting industry and volunteer for Friends of NRA as the head chairperson. I am also a NRA Counselor who certifies candidates to become instructors. My favorite hobbies are traveling and shooting 3-Gun all over the country. For about seven years I’ve been competing and now my two boys are starting out in the shooting world. 

Jen Blake Crimson Trace

What are some of your plans for the rest of 2021?

Our next life step is opening a quaint Air BnB cabin in a few weeks. Then, once we make it through kayak season, my matches start up again. Fall is jam packed with some great travel matches. 

Tell us about your favorite Crimson Trace product. 

Tough question! For the defensive training side, I love the LG-499 Laserguard. It runs along your pistol trigger guard and turns on automatically with your grip squeeze, rather than trying to push a button. If I ever need my defensive pistol in that situation, I want as little to think about as possible. That way I can concentrate on the important decisions I need to make in that moment. 

Jen Blake Crimson Trace scope

On the competition side, I’ve been using Crimson Trace scopes since before they began shipping to the public. I’ve never once had an issue. Sure, anyone would be a little skeptical trying a new product in the field when your performance matters most. Honestly, I was never disappointed.

Where can people find you on social media?


Instagram: @gun_girl_jen

YouTube: Gun Girl Jen

Tik Tok: Gun Girl Jen

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.