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GTM Helps Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Create Synergy

GTM Original, aka Gun Tote’n Mamas, firmly believes education and training need to accompany every purchase of its line of concealed carry purses and bags. With that in mind, GTM highly recommends training for consumers of brick-and-mortar stores, creating synergy, in how to work with its off-body holster system, including review of its User Manual, especially for new gun owners, women new to shooting and those eager to learn options for self-protection. 

“We encourage retailers to make this class part of their curriculum, a stand-alone product, if you will,” said Claudia Chisholm, president of GTM. She is referencing the training course designed, developed and taught by Director of Training, DTI Women, Vicki Farnam’s “Fundamentals in Off Body Carry.” Farnam and her husband, John, own and operate Defense Training International, based in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Merchandise Education

Chisholm stated, “One thing that we always do for our retailers is advise them how to merchandise our products, as well as give them techniques and ideas on how to attract women to come in and, most importantly, keep coming back into their stores. Ms. Farnam’s class is a ‘build it, and they will come’ way to feature and spotlight a retailer’s training programs while using GTM products specifically. It creates a full circle approach that retailing is not just a sales transaction. The store can become a center of their community, as a place to shop, learn, visit friends, share experiences – that can grow into family nights, girls’ weekend target practice, etc. It makes for a more comfortable, accessible and attractive environment to new female shooters, and especially, to those who would otherwise be too intimated to shop in a gun store again. According to National Shooting Sports Foundation, in 2020, 40% of first-time gun purchase sales were women buyers – a mind blowing opportunity for more women-focused seminars and classes!”  

GTM Helps Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Create Synergy

Vicki Farnam and concealed carry draw class
Congratulations to the most recent class of off-body carry instructors! Katie Johnson, co- owner of STS Armory Gun Store, hosted the Fundamentals in Off Body Instructor level course. And yes, the course may be taken by male instructors, too.

Chisholm continued, “Successful retailing today – in a brick-and-mortar – strives toward complete synergy, such as we are suggesting here. The benefit is keeping maximum sales in the store while building trust and, in result, profitable growth with these new women shooters. By providing the female shopper various quality options why she needs to have, buy and learn about self-protection will result in long-term loyalty Amazon cannot provide. And who doesn’t want to support their local businesses?”  

For further information/discussion, contact Claudia:

For Instructor Level Course information contact Vicki Farnam:

For Consumer Level Course information/construction contact Donna Anthony:

About GTM Original

GTM Original – Serious for Women’s Protection

GTM Original, Gun Tote’n Mamas, is an affordable line of leather purses and handbags, inspired and developed by women. Our parent company, Kingport Industries LLC, is a Certified Women Owned Business (WBE, WBENC) since 2004. Every one of our products has been tested by instructors from elite training facilities, including CSI, FBI and Navy SEALS. We also respect feedback from citizens who are consumers and concealed carriers. We want to hear it all – we are not afraid of criticism and HIGHLY encourage your feedback. It is comments from the field that will continue to make these bags the best for the jobs they are designed to do. 

For more information, visit GTM Original.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.