In early fall 2020, Walker’s released the Silencer BT 2.0 electronic earbuds. They are Bluetooth capable electronic hearing protection that pairs to your mobile device for additional control functionality.
I know you are probably thinking, “Why would anyone need to have Bluetooth hearing protection while handling a firearm?” Well, I have a few personal justifications, besides the fact that I love gadgets. I regularly hunt, am an active member of a sporting clays league, volunteer at local women’s shooting organizations, occasionally participate in steel shoots and act as a range safety officer (RSO) at local events – both indoors and outdoors. I own one pair of basic electronic earmuffs, and as active as I am, they simply were not meeting all my needs.
The electronic earmuffs do not stay secured over my ears while shooting shotguns and on hot days, I find them uncomfortable. I also wanted the ability to listen to audiobooks or music while I am target shooting or scouting alone, but still be able to hear what is going on in my surrounding area for as a safety measure.
Here are my personal requirements:
The Silencer BT 2.0 earbud retails for $299.99 online and met most of my must-haves. The specifications as listed on their website state:
They had a few options I had not considered, so I decided to order the Silencer BT 2.0 directly from Walker’s website. They arrived 10 days later, which coincided with opening day of teal season (insert HUGE smile).
While the Silencer BT 2.0 charged, I downloaded the app for my iPhone. Make sure you download the app titled “Walker’s Link,” NOT “Connect.”
The Walker’s BT 2.0 paired to my device as if it was basic Bluetooth headphones.
The application ease of use is direct and to the point. You can pair the Walker BT 2.0 within the application, control the volume of each bud separately, program various sleep modes, battery charge indication and four sound quality modes.
From September 2020 to date, these devices have been tested on teal opening day, multiple waterfowl hunts, two deer hunts, twelve clay shoots, two pheasant hunts, a ridiculous amount of indoor range time, three outdoor range events and a cave shoot. I’m also not ashamed to admit I have used them while at work. We are required to wear masks at my place of employment and conversations are hard at times understand, but these ear buds allow me to hear my walkie talkie and co-workers at the same time, should they need my attention. I might even use them to catch up on my podcasts when time allows!
Here are my personal Pros and Cons:
Overall, I was impressed, especially considering I do not like foam buds; I would prefer they be made of silicone. I could not find a reference to its water resistance capability, so I am going with the assumption to be very careful while in the marsh. I was exceptionally pleased with their performance at our local underground cave range, with all the echoes. The voice clarity was shockingly amazing, and the sound activated suppression performed well. I was not uncomfortable, and I did not or feel like I needed an additional pair of muffs over the ear buds. Walker’s gave considerable thought to the design and functionality of their new Bluetooth ear buds.
Sharenda Birts is the Director of Community Affairs and one of the 4 founding members of wildHERness, a diverse group of outdoorswomen passionate about providing females with a connection to the outdoors through workshops, events, mentoring and community service. Her passion for the outdoors began when she began to learn how to safely handle a firearm and clean it. She does not come from a family background of firearms or outdoorsman and did not have any exposure to the outdoors until she joined a sporting clays league that persuaded her to attend a pheasant hunt. Although Sharenda is a new hunter, she is passionate about sharing her adventures to inspire other city born-and-raised minority women – with the message that they, too, can learn how to explore the outdoors, no matter what their ages. Sharenda is an NRA certified pistol, shotgun, and metallic cartridge reloading instructor who comes from a background with 25 years in the banking and equity investment industry. She also admits to being addicted to clay sports, along with upland and waterfowl hunting. Sharenda’s gearing up for angling and fly-tying in the near future. View all posts by Sharenda Birts