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RiverSearch Outdoor Adventure: Fishing Tips for Beginners

Learning to fish takes practice. One of the most enjoyable things about fishing is that there is an endless amount of skills and techniques to learn.

Even advanced anglers are constantly learning new things.

If you’re a beginner, fishing can seem overwhelming at first. But we’re here to help.

Beginner Fishing Tips
RiverSearch Outdoor Adventure

We created this guide of basic fishing tips to point you in the right direction and get you started on your fishing journey.

By the end of this resource, you will have learned the basics of fishing, and you will be ready to get out on the water and catch fish.

How to Cast a Fishing Rod

Casting a fishing rod is one of the most fundamental skills you will need to develop to be a successful angler. 

It will take a bit of practice to master, but if you try consistently you should be able to get it down pretty quickly. 

There are two common types of fishing rods and reels that you will use: spinning rods or baitcasting rods. Each of these is cast a different way.

How to Cast Spinning Reels

Spinning reels are best for beginners because they are much easier to use and they tend to be pretty budget-friendly.

If you are completely new to fishing, we highly recommend using a spinning rod and reel over baitcasting gear.

The steps for casting a spinning reel are pretty simple. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Grab the rod and hold it naturally between your fingers. Hold it near your side at around mid waist level. The reel should be below the rod.
  2. Line up the bail, grab the line with your index finger, and open up the bail.
  3. Let around 10 – 18 inches of line out so your lure is hanging.
  4. Raise your rod overhead and bring it forward quickly pointing it at the spot you want your lure to land. 
  5. Release the pressure with your index finger and let your lure pull the line out.
  6. Close the bail with your hand and get ready to start reeling in to work your lure.

How to Cast Baitcasting Reels

Baitcasting rods and reels are a little more advanced than spinning reels. They can be more difficult for beginners to get used to, but they are a must have when you’re targeting heavier fish or need to cast with a high degree of accuracy.

Continue reading Fishing Tips for Beginners, from our friends at RiverSearch Outdoor Adventure here.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.