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Boats come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are designed to hold varying numbers of passengers for fishing, cruising, sailing, or even paddling. It all depends on what you are looking for. And what many of us are looking for are low maintenance boats.

Family enjoying riding a boat on Lake Garda Low Maintenance Boats TakeMeFishing

Low Maintenance Boats

Near the top of any list of low maintenance boats, you’ll probably find the jon boat. It is one to the top starter boats due to being relatively inexpensive, rugged, and versatile. Although it can have some big water limitations, another reason this usually is one of the most low maintenance fishing boats is that it can be minimally outfitted with just the basics. For example, fewer electronics means less wiring to be chewed by obnoxious mice. Storage might be accomplished by simply turning upside down.

But the best low maintenance boats are ones that are used frequently. With regular use, it gets attention and a little TLC. If it is just left uncovered and a permanent driveway fixture, it may get overlooked and thus, neglected. What may have been at one time a low maintenance fishing boat, may end up requiring some costly repairs or replacement parts.

Best Family Boat for the Money

If you are looking for the best family boat for the money, a pontoon boat should be considered. They are stable, usually equipped with more creature comforts such as comfy seats, and spacious enough for a cooler or two. If stored indoors or at least covered, routine engine maintenance may be all that is required for long periods of time.

There is a boat for everyone. When looking for a boat, consider the boat’s main uses. Are you looking for that more independent kayak experience? Or does this beginner boat have enough safe room for the whole family?

Continue reading, 3 Low Maintenance Boats from our friends at here.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.