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NASP Announces On Target for Life Awards and Recognition Program

The National Archery in the Schools Program Announces the 2020 Recipients for the On Target for Life Awards and Recognition Program. The OTFLA program is intended to recognize and celebrate the many instances where in-school archery, and the people involved with it, are positively impacting the lives of over 1.4 million NASP® student archers each year.  

Since its inception in 2002, NASP® has continued to hear powerful examples of how in-school archery has positively impacted the lives of students and adults. The OTFLA program is intended to capture examples of the “best” of what NASP® is doing in 47 states, and 11 other countries with both team and individual awards.

In November of 2015, National NASP® leadership and a group of NASP® educators/coaches and students met to discuss ways to further enhance the 15-year-old program. A system of recognitions and awards to capture the many “positives” that go on behind the scenes of NASP® was recommended.  As a result, the following awards and recognitions are recognized by NASP®:

jamie Tench NASP Bullseye Award NASP On Target for Life Awards
jamie Tench NASP Bullseye Award

 The Bullseye Award is an individual award for a NASP® Student that has made notable positive strides in academic performance and behavior through their involvement with the program.   The award includes a $500 Scholarship. The 2020 winner is:   Jamie Tench, Harborside Academy – Kenosha, Wisconsin

Ed Forslof NASP Superhero Award NASP On Target for Life Awards
Ed Forslof NASP Superhero Award

The Superhero Award is an individual award intended to recognize an unpaid volunteer that makes an outstanding positive impact on their NASP® program or team.  The award includes a $500 equipment grant.  The 2020 winner is:   Edward Forslof, Washington State NASP®

Alyssa Walczak NASP On Target for Life Awards
Alyssa Walczak NASP Superhero Award

The Courage Award is an individualaward for a NASP® student that has overcome a major life event or disability yet continues to inspire others through their participation in NASP®.  The award includes a $500 Scholarship.  The 2020 winner is: Alyssa Walczak, Harborside Academy – Kenosha, Wisconsin

Bally shannon NASP Team Community Service Award

The Community Service Award is intended to recognize outstanding service to a community from a NASP® team or class. The award includes a $500 equipment grant.  The 2020 winner was: Ballyshannon Middle School – Union, Kentucky

Jonathan Bukva NASP Coach of the Year Award
Jonathan Bukva NASP Coach of the Year Award

Coach of the Year Award is an individual award for a NASP® educator/coach.  The nominee must have a proven history of making an overwhelming positive difference in the lives of participating NASP® students.  The award includes a $500 equipment grant.  The 2020 winner is:  Jonathan Bukva, Reagan Middle School – Haymarket, Virginia

Nominations for the 2021 On Target For Life will open on September 1, 2020

For additional information regarding the NASP® On Target For Life Awards, please contact Dr. Tommy Floyd at:

Find out more about NASP here.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.