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Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt Scholarship Application is Open

The Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt was founded in 2013 by the Wyoming Women’s Foundation as a opportunity for mentoring and developing camaraderie between women.

Hunting is a long-standing Wyoming tradition and a skill that honors our state’s cultural roots. Teaching women to hunt can help them feed their families nutritious food and fulfills WYWF’s mission of investing in economic self-sufficiency of women.

women with binoculars WWAH
Wyoming Women's Antelope Hunt Scholarship Application
(Stephen Girt photo)

The event develops new hunters by offering scholarships and hunter education to women who otherwise may not get the opportunity to hunt and pairs them with conservation-minded guides and experienced women hunting partners for maximum learning opportunities.

Join Us at the Next Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt

October 8 to 11, 2020 at the Ranch at Ucross

The 2020 Scholarship will be open until March 13.

Click here to view the 2020 scholarship application.

“While I watched my animal through the scope and waited for her to turn broadside, I thought about the responsibility that comes with harvesting an animal, and what it means to be a good steward of that life. I feel a deeper commitment to the conservation of our Wyoming wildlife, and connected to our land in a wholly different way. As a life-time outdoors person, this surprised me.” – 2015 Hunt Participant

About the Wyoming Women’s Foundation

Established in 1999, the Wyoming Women’s Foundation (WYWF) is one of a family of funds held at the Wyoming Community Foundation. WYWF makes grants and spearheads initiatives that benefit women and girls as well as our communities overall. As a statewide leader dedicated to promoting women and girls, we leverage funds through our endowment, and grantmaking is focused on lasting change.

WYWF is advised by a volunteer board that helps to set granting and advocacy direction, and to raise funds to carry out its mission. The mission of the Wyoming Women’s Foundation is to invest in the economic self-sufficiency of women and opportunities for girls in Wyoming.

  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.