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Think You Know Firearms Safety? Project ChildSafe Can Help!

When it comes to firearms safety, there’s a lot more than meets the eye. If there are firearms in the home, it’s important for both parents and children to not only learn about proper storage, but also safe handling. The Project ChildSafe website talks about both of these issues effectively and clearly, giving clear education for the entire household. 



Firearms Safety Education

Did you know that you should educate the whole household about firearms safety? I learned that by going through the fact sheets and safe handling information at the Project ChildSafe website

firearms safety Project ChildSafe

Free Safety Kit

Did you know that you can acquire a free safety kit from your local law enforcement? Project ChildSafe makes it easy to keep your firearms safe by partnering with local law enforcement to provide free locks. Head to the Project ChildSafe website, locate your state and pick up your free lock! It really is that simple!

Firearms Safety Pledge 

Take the responsible firearms safety pledge at the Project ChildSafe website. By taking the pledge, you’re committing to safe handling while in use and securing your firearms when not in use, as well as being aware of who has access to firearms at all times. This pledge can be taken by adults and children

Hunting Checklist

The hunting checklist is particularly useful. When you head out to hunt with your friends or family, an important part is to get everyone on the same page about proper precautions and responsibilities of the use of firearms. Print the checklist and take it with you whenever you go hunting.

firearms safety Project ChildSafe


The website also offers resources and opportunities for involvement with law enforcement and educators.

If you’re interested in learning more about firearms safe handling and storage, check out the Project ChildSafe website today for tons of resources. 

  • About Morgan Rogue

    Morgan lives in Texas with her husband, daughters and 2 dogs. She spends most of her time getting outdoors with her daughters, prepping for emergencies and disasters and teaching others how to be prepared. She also enjoys archery, hunting, fishing, firearms, hiking, camping, HAM, Jeeps and generally getting out and exploring life through epic adventures!