Project ChildSafe: The Scholastic Action Shooting Sports Nationals

While spending time at the Scholastic Action Shooting Sports (SASP) Nationals, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the amazing youth involved in the shooting sports. These young athletes are kind, respectful, polite and encouraging.  Honestly, they are a pleasure to be around. 


The SASP offers youth from grade school through college the opportunity to safely participate in team-based action shooting sports. According to its website,“SASP is designed to instill in young people a set of personal values and character traits for fair play, compassionate understanding, individual responsibility, sportsmanship, self-discipline, and personal commitment. As the sport itself, these qualities will stay with them throughout their lifetimes, helping each young athlete reach his or her full potential.”

Scholastic Action Shooting Sports Nationals Project ChildSafe SASP

The 2019 SASP National Championships saw 1,535 entries in Rimfire Pistol, Centerfire Pistol, 1911 Class Pistol, Iron Rifle, Optics Rifle and Pistol Caliber Rifle –a record-breaking event. Sixty-five teams, from 20 states with 562 athletes, competed. These competitors shot a whopping 220,000 shots throughout the 8-day event. 

I had the opportunity to interview some of the athletes and asked the question, “What do you like the most about your sport?” Watch their answers below, in this Project ChildSafe Video. 

I mentioned to the athletes that August is National Shooting Sports Month. So I asked, “What would you say to encourage other people to come out and try your sport?” Below are some of their answers.

“More people should learn how to use firearms correctly and how to have fun with them.” ~Renee Enchautegui

“Just come out here and try it. Don’t be afraid to try new things. I understand that some people don’t like shooting, but just be a spectator first. If you like it, try it out.” ~ Elyssa Dolar

“The shooting community is the best people you will ever meet. You can start slow, you don’t have to go straight into a competition setting if that’s not what you’re comfortable with. Just go for it! Start with a .22 and work your way up. Just try it.”” ~ Camille Patenaude

“If you’re interested in getting involved, make sure you do it in the safest way possible. Go to a range you know that has people well versed in the shooting sports. Talk to a coach, teacher and maybe try to be part of a club.” ~ Isabella Farias

“If you’ve never tried it, try it and you might like it. Most kids on my team tried it and they love it.” ~Hailey Chester

The shooting sports will only grow if we take the time to introduce it to younger generations. It’s up to us to influence and inspire these kids to respect firearms and continue the sport. 

Scholastic Action Shooting Sports Nationals Project ChildSafe SASP

Learn more about the Scholastic Action Shooting Sports here.

Find out more about Project ChildSafe here

Get involved in the NSSF’s National Shooting Sports Month’s #LetsGoShooting movement here

  • About Michelle Cerino

    Michelle Cerino, aka Princess Gunslinger, first entered the firearms industry in 2011 as co-owner, president and trainer at a national training company. She immediately began competing in both 3-Gun and NRA Action Pistol, becoming a sponsored shooter. Michelle is currently a columnist and Managing Editor of Women’s Outdoor News, as well as owner of Pervenio LLC. She also manages social media for Vera Koo and FASTER Saves Lives. Michelle encourages others to step out of the comforts of home and explore.


The Conversation

  • Mark Shean says: August 22, 2019 at 8:03 am

    Hello Michelle, I have currently published a book that is relevant in any state in as far as firearm safety aspects. It is now rated #1 on Amazon in the Shooting section and would be a good resource for a gun club, a hunting camp, for individuals or any place people gather with firearms. It covers children as well. The book is titled GUN SENSE.
    Thank you for your time, Mark Shean Sr.