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3 Must-Know Beach Fishing Rigs for Beginners

Surf fishing is popular in coastal regions because anyone with access to a beach can do it! No boat required. To get started with surf fishing, you’ll need to have the right equipment. Once you’re geared up, you’ll need to know essential beach fishing rigs and how to tie them. This simple guide covers three must-know beach fishing rigs for beginners.

Beach fishing Beach Fishing Rigs for Beginners

Top 3 Beach Fishing Rigs for Beginners

This is a simple guide to three must-know beach fishing rigs for beginners that you can easily make yourself.

1. Fish Finder Rig

The fish finder rig is a versatile setup that sinks your line to the bottom, but allows your bait to swim naturally in the water column. Of all beach fishing rigs for beginners, this is the most popular. Start by sliding an egg sinker and a plastic bead onto your main line, then attaching it to a barrel swivel. The bead protects the knot from getting nicked by the weight. Secure your leader to the other end of the swivel and a hook to the end of your leader. Another variation is to swap out the egg sinker for a pyramid sinker that has a plastic sleeve through which the main line slides. These both allow the bait to pull line as it swims creating a more natural presentation.

2. Hi-Lo Rig

Also called the double dropper loop rig, the benefit to the hi-lo rig is that you have double the bait “in the game.” The downside is that the weight and lines are fixed which restricts the movement of the bait more so than other fishing rigs. First secure a weight to the end of your leader. Next, tie two dropper loops in the leader spaced a foot or more apart. Finally, secure a barrel swivel at the top of the leader and a hook to each loop. The rig is now constructed and can be attached to your main line.

Find out what the third beach fishing rig is from our friends at here.

3 Must-Know Beach Fishing Rigs for Beginners
  • About The WON

    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.