Mission Possible: #FindYourPark for National Park Week 2019

The following blog is an excerpt from Mission Possible: #FindYourPark for National Park Week 2019 by the National Park Foundation.

Mesa Verde
(Victor Wei photo)

The very first National Park Week took place in 1991, in celebration of the National Park Service’s 75th anniversary. Since then, this tradition has continued and national parks, programs, and partners across the country participate in this fun-filled week of activities and events.

Now the mission continues as the National Park Service hosts National Park Week 2019 and reminds everyone why they were established: to preserve our country’s natural and cultural heritage while helping all people #FindYourPark.

Each day of National Park Week has its own theme, and there’s even a pre-party (in the form of a Twitter chat!). Here’s what you need to know:

Kicking Things Off


Hosted by the National Park Foundation, the National Park Service, and the Department of the Interior, it’s a Twitter chat that’ll get the National Park Week party started! On April 18, 2019, at 1 p.m. ET, park lovers will unite on Twitter to share their favorite memories, tips, and stories about national parks. All are welcome to join the conversation by following the hashtags #FindYourPark / #EncuentraTuParque, as well as sharing, retweeting, or reading along!

National Junior Ranger Day


The week of festivities officially begins with an entrance fee-free day, when all are welcome to visit national parks free of charge. This is the perfect day to visit your parks sans park pass.

Parks will also be celebrating National Junior Ranger Day, meaning there are tons of ways to keep kids entertained and learning. Many parks will have special youth programming and kids will love being able to earn the highly-desirable Junior Ranger Badge. Not able to visit in person? Many of the junior ranger booklets can be downloaded and completed at home!



National Park Week
(Connor Mallon photo)

The second day of National Park Week is dedicated to service members. Military & Veterans Recognition Day is a great time to learn the stories of how veterans have impacted our parks and our nation. Parks offer a wide variety of health, wellness, recreation, and adventure programs to enhance the lives of service members, veterans, and their families. Many parks will have special activities highlighting the military histories and stories preserved at their parks.

Continue reading Mission Possible: #FindYourPark for National Park Week 2019 here.

Mission Possible: #FindYourPark for National Park Week 2019
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    The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure. This publication is for women, by women.